"Was there a girl like that at your school?"-interviewer
"Sure.She had a killer figure and always looked great,she was exactly what everyone wanted "-Tom
"You too?"-interviewer
"Of course I talked to my friends about her and when she walked across...
After the game you were putting on your sweater Maddie and bill had went to go empty the water bottles and you were left in the gym with Tom As you were putting your sweater on Tom said "We should go out some time"-Tom You paused You put your sweater on "What"-you You felt a bit embarrassed "Like me and you"-Tom "As friends"-you "Yea sorta"-Tom "Like what a date?"-you "Yea"-Tom "Why"-you "We'll why not"-Tom You shrugged your shoulders
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"Where would we go"-you "The movies"-Tom "And we would watch that new movie that came out"-Tom "I don't know"-you "Come on"-Tom He said as you picked up your backpack "Maybe"-you You hated dates Even tho you've never been on But dating always cringed you out "So is that a yes"-Tom You thought about it "Sure"-you You said sure But in reality you didn't want to go anywhere He was nice and a good person but you guys had only know each other for a month now You thought it was a bit weird You walked out the gym You found Maddie "You ready"-Maddie You nodded your head "We'll bye guys"-Maddie You usually have them a hug but you felt weird giving tom one You walked away with Maddie "Bro"-you "What"-Maddie "Tom just asked me out"-you You whispered "WHAT"-Maddie "I know and I said sure even tho I don't wanna go"-you "When?"-maddie "I don't know he didn't tell me"-you You talked to her
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She told you that you didn't want yourself to like him Does that mean you like him? You thought about it the rest of the car drive home And at your house You came to a conclusion that you didn't like him You guys were just friends As you were drying your hair from just getting out the shower you got a text It was from Tom and it said "How does Thursday sound?" You didn't want to go But you had no choice but to respond "Great" You replied with You set your phone down You just wanted to rest the whole day SKIP TO THURSDAY After school you and bill were walking together You had been avoiding Tom all week You and him were walking down the stairs since you both couldn't find Maddie or Tom Then you felt a tap on your shoulder You turned around 💭oh god It was Tom "Hey"-Tom "Hi"-you Bill gave you a weird look You turned back around "Where's Maddie"-Tom
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(Bruh y'all FR need to stop taking photos of me and Tom it's annoying and I need privacy 😓☹️)
"We can't find her"-bill "Oh"-Tom Then you saw Maddie at the office Talking to the front desk ladies You walked up to her "There you are"-you "Hey"-Maddie "Hey"-you "You ready to go"-Maddie You nodded your head As you were walking out the building you heard Tom say "See you later"-Tom Then Maddie said "Did the avoiding not work"-Maddie "Nope"-you "I mean your over thinking it maybe it won't be as bad"-Maddie She talked to you more The things she said made you realize that the "date" won't be as bad as your making it SKIP Tom had texted you You had to go to his house in 5 minutes You had finished getting ready You felt a bit better You put perfume on You grabbed your phone and went to his house You knocked on him door He answered it "Ready?"-tom "Mhm"-you
Sorry I haven't been active I've been working on some new chapters!!!!