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After recording it a few times you guys all sat down
All 4 of them were talking
You were just there listening
"If this doesn't work?"-georg
"It will I'm confident"-gustav
"Even if it doesn't work making more songs will make you guys better"-you
You were in the office
You were on the computer watching a YouTube video
Bill was with you
"Hold on I'll be right back"-bill
He got up from his seat
He left the room
You were watching a movie
It was despicable me
You were in a comfy chair
Watching the computer screen
You heard someone knock on the door
You looked
At the door way it was Tom
"Whatcha watching"-Tom
"Despicable me"-you
He sat in the chair that was next to bills
He started to watch it with you
"What meeting are you going too?"-tom
"I'm gonna meet with my casting agent and the producers of mid90's"-you
"What for?"-tom
"There is gonna be a red carpet event"-you
"And then my mom wants me to get into modeling so ima meet with my agent for that"-you
"Like what type"-Tom
"Runway fashion"-you
"That's great"-Tom
"But do you want to do it?"-tom
"Yea but I don't know it's a lot of pressure on me"-you
"We'll have you ever modeled before?"-tom
"When I was like 10 I did a runway for GAP but that's all"-you
"Well you gave experience so I think you will be able to do it"-Tom
After watching the movie you guys decided to leave
You guys were all busy that day
When you got home you sat down and talked to your sister
You have to make the difficult choice if you wanted to model or not
"Okay tell me yes or no"-sister
"If you don't want to that's fine"-sister
"Yes I do but only a few "-you
"Okay let's go meet up with the producers and then Jess later"-sister
After a few hours it was time to meet with the producers
You talked to them at the studio and they said that there is gonna be a red carpet soon
They told you details and all that
After an hour you went to go meet with Jess
AKA your casting agent
You met with her at her studio
It was a huge one
You were in her office
"Okay so we are gonna weigh you and size you"-Jess
She was one of the top agents in Germany
You guys went to a room
They weighed you
You were 97 pounds
They sized your waist
And it was pretty smalls
They sized everything else
She then called a modeling company and told her your details
She was on a call with a woman and it was on speaker
"And she has h/c and e/c and she weighs 97 pounds"-Jess
(H/c= hair color and e/c= eyes color)
"Any experience?"-woman
"Yes for kids The GAP runway"-Jess
"Okay we've checked her background and everything and we'd love to have her come in once or twice for a show"-woman
"Okay thank you so much let me know when"-Jess
"Of course"-woman

This story is going a completely different direction than I thought😭

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