"I play very good piano"

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"It's easier for me since all I need is a mic and they need all this shit"-bill
"And we have a piano here"-Tom
"I play very good piano"-Tom
"No no no let me"-bill
"No no no"-Tom
"Let's play together"-bill
"Okay fine"-Tom
"One two three"-Tom
They started to play a song in the piano
"I played it wrong didn't i"-bill
Tom nodded
They walked away
"And here is our recording equipment"-bill
They said walking into a room
"And we only know how to use half of these buttons in here"-bill
"Yea there's so many"-Tom
"And we actually taught y/n how to use them"-bill

I'm sorry this is so short
I've just published these chapter
I'm scared but exited since they are finally published
I will be writing more chapter since the story is not over
Not even close to being over
Please comment and vote
My last story ended early because of the lack of comments
So please comment or ima have to stop writing

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