Durch den monsun

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You guys walked to the train and then rode it 15 minutes
He took you to the movies to go see the nun 2
Durning the movie you were feeling much better about the whole situation
If you were being honest he was pretty cute

(Oh course he is🤭)SKIPAfter the movie you and him were talking about it "It wasn't that scary"-Tom"Yea only when you could see her in the background"-you"True"-TomSKIPLater that day the band had invited you to go film the music video (I'm pretty ...

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(Oh course he is🤭)
After the movie you and him were talking about it
"It wasn't that scary"-Tom
"Yea only when you could see her in the background"-you
Later that day the band had invited you to go film the music video
(I'm pretty sure it was Monday but I forgot sorry)
They were gonna film durch den monsun
Bill was sitting with you in the back
"Are you exited"-you
He said smiling
At the whole music video thing bill had to dunk his face in water
And hang up side down
And they were gonna get wet
They were doing toms makeup
You were watching
They put his dreads down
They had finished filming it and it was gonna get uploaded Saturday
You guys were back at the studio
They were all stressed out upstairs
You left them alone
You were in the office
Organizing papers and putting then into a binder
You were in there alone for maybe 10 minutes
Then you felt someone walk into the room
Your turned around
Tom was looking at you
"What are you doing"-Tom
He sat down next to you
He watched you doing doing everything
He was staring at you
You turned back around
You were putting dates on some papers
"Have you ever had a boyfriend"-Tom
He said out of no where
You paused

(Oh course he is🤭)SKIPAfter the movie you and him were talking about it "It wasn't that scary"-Tom"Yea only when you could see her in the background"-you"True"-TomSKIPLater that day the band had invited you to go film the music video (I'm pretty ...

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"How was it"-Tom
"It was alright"-you
"Why did you guys break up"-Tom
"Caught him cheating on me"-you
"And he was not respective of the whole acting thing, and used me for fame"-you
"Why did you like him"-tom
"He was really nice at first and he liked me so I thought I might as well you know"-you
It went quiet
"How did you find out he cheated on you"-tom
"He got a message from his phone and I seen and it was a random girl and she was sending him photos of her, and he was responding to her"-you
"Oh sorry"-tom
"It's all good it was a long time ago"-you
It went quiet again

TOM x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now