Tokio drift

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Bill sat in the back with you
You guys got home
You got out the van
If you were being honest you didn't really wanna watch a movie
You just wanted to rest and go to sleep
But you didn't wanna blow them off
You walked into there house
"Want anything to drink?"-bill
"No I'm good"-you
You sat down on there couch
"What are you doing"-Georg
"Sitting down"-you
"Why here"-Georg
"Because there's a tv here"-you
"Oh no we're watching it in the theater room"-Georg
"You guys have a theater room?"-you
"Yea,you don't?"-Georg
"Yea but you guys never mentioned you had a theater room"-you
"Oh we'll come on"-Georg
You got up
They opened a door
"You guys better not be killers"-you
"We're not"-bill
He said laughing a bit
(Idk if I mentioned this or made this mistake but they are not devilish they are Tokio hotel)
(And they don't have any songs released)
(So they are not famous famous yet)
You guys walked down a flight of stairs
Bill turned on the light
It was a huge theater room
It had actual theaters seats
It had red LED lights
And a huge theatre screen
It was way different than your theater
"Choose a seat"-bill
You phone rang
You opened the text
It was form your sister
She said "where are you?"
You typed back
"I'm at the neighbors house we're gonna watch a movie"
She texted "okay come home at a good time we have a meeting tomorrow"
You texted back "okay I will"
You turned off your phone
You looked up
Everyone was siting done
Staring at you
"Sorry my sister texted me"-you
"It's fine have a seat"-tom
You looked around
There were 3 separate seats
Georg,Gustav and bill were sitting in them
The only seats that were in pairs were the ones Tom was in
You sat next to him
He was on his phone
"Tom what movie did you say"-bill
He said holding up the controller to the screen
"Tokio drift"-tom
He found it and put it on
The movie started with the song 'six days'
(If you guys wanna hear what part it starts at skip to the part where it says 'at the starting of the week')
Tom was bopping his head to it
"I liked the intro"-bill
"Yeah the song is actually really good"-Georg
They were all bopping there heads to it
The movie came to the part we're it started to show cars
You were into cars so that's why you liked to movie

Sorry it's kinda short
I'm stressing out no joke
No one is commenting
And I feel like I should've not published it already
I just want time to make chapter broooo
I feel rushed

TOM x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now