He explained a little bit about it the music video
"So it's gonna be in a house with other people"-bill
"Like actors?"-you
"No like Tokio hotel fans"-bill
You guys got to the set
You guys walked in
A camera man was filming you guys
Bill walked in first
Tom was walking behind you
Then he started to video everything
"Hi guys it's bill and we are making our music video for our new single Schrei"-bill
After a few minutes the band had to meet the extras
They went outside to the back of the place the set was at
There was tons of people
You were walking by Tom
You seen a bunch of girls
As soon as they seen Tom the girls started to curl there hair
Tom was a cute person
And obviously the girls new that too
There was a few guys
They were staring at you
When Tom seeing they were looking at you he stepped in front of you
He shook the girls hands
After meeting some of the extras you guys went back inside
After 10 minutes
It was time to start to film
The video started off with the camera following bill into the "house"
They had you as a extra as well
But one of the extras that's more included in the video
You guys filmed around half of the music video
They filmed you throwing a chair at the wall
"And y/n try and flirt with Tom a little"
One of the directors said
You looked at Tom
"So your gonna walk up to him and he's gonna keep playing the guitar"
The camera started to roll
You walked up to Tom and he kept playing the guitar
"Are you okay with kissing a guy"
"Who are you comfortable with in this room right now"
He asked
You pointed at Georg gustav bill and Tom
"Uhhhh hmmmm Tom"
Tom looked up
"Are you okay with Tom"
"Okay Tom are you okay with that"
"With what?"-tom
"Kissing her"
The director told you that you and Tom would be kissing in the corner and when the camera filmed you guys Tom had to cover the camera
"I'll be right back"-you
You went to an empty room
You called your sister
You said
She started to laugh
"It's fine just do what they say"-Ashley
You hung up on her since she was no help
You went back out
They were telling Tom how to cover the camera
"Okay y/n put your hand here"
The director put your arms around toms neck
You were very close to him face
You had an embarrassed face on
There was maybe a room full of people watching
Bill Georg and gustav were laughing
"It's okay"-Tom
He said patting your back
"Ready set go"
The director
You hesitated
Tom did too
You took your arms off of him
The director laughed
"Okay ready"
"Three two one"
You and Tom hesitated again
"Okay one last try"
The director said
He was being really nice about it so you felt okay
You nodded at Tom
He nodded back
"Three two one"
You and Tom started to kiss
He put his hand on your cheek
The camera went up to you guys
He covered the camera
"That was the one"
You quickly let go of Tom and backed up
You guys continued with the rest of the video
They filmed a part of Gustav getting water on him
They filmed you the ping more things around
It was time to leave
You guys went to the studio
You guys chilled there for a bit
You were hanging out with Georg
After a few minutes of talking you guys decided to leave
You Tom and bill were gonna go skate around
You guys got your boards and skated to a park
"Can one of you guys hold my phone"-you
Tom took out his hand
After a few minutes you heard a notification
"You got a message"-Tom
"From who"-you
You went silent
"Oh what does it say"-you
"It's a snap"-Tom
"Open it"-you
He opened the snap
"It says what are you doing"-Tom
"Let me see"-you
He gave you your phone
You took a video of you Tom and bill and sent it to him
You guys got to the park
You guys were messing around chasing each other
You guys were on your way back
You guys were talking about the music video
"What if you guys get famous and stop talking to me and Maddie"-you
"I doubt it"-bill
"Yeah I don't that will ever happen"-Tom
The next morning was Tuesday
You got ready early because that day you and Maddie had to figure out you had to help Maddie with her schedule
You were worth Maddie bill and Tom
"Okay meet back at bills locker when you guys are done"-you
You guys were going to you third period class to see if you guys could sit next to each other
You and Tom went to math class
The teacher was nice about it and let you and Tom sit in the back of the class room
You guys went to art class and the teacher said that you could sit with each other
You guys went back to bills locker
Bill and Maddie were there
"Took you guys long enough"-bill
All four of you guys went to your first period class
Which is history
You guys sat with each other
Leon and Marcus sat somewhere else because seating charts
You guys were doing your work
Tom was sitting next to you
While you were reading looking for an answer you felt someone staring at you
You thought it was Tom
You looked at him
He had his head down sleeping
You looked around the room
Then you looked at Leon
He was staring right at you
He looked down at his paper
You looked away
You work Tom up
"You have to do your work get up"-you
You said shaking him
He got up and started to do his work
You were helping him with it
After you and Tom finished Tom went back to sleep
You were listening to music on your phone
You had you AirPods in
You took the other AirPod out the case and offers it to tom
He took the AirPod and put it in
You put your head down next to him
After a few minutes pass by class ended
You guys went to photography
You sat down in your seat and Tom did too
He was more energetic that time
The whole class you guys didn't do anything
You guys were just sitting there getting grades upIdk what to write anymore 😥😰😓

Fanfiction"Was there a girl like that at your school?"-interviewer "Sure.She had a killer figure and always looked great,she was exactly what everyone wanted "-Tom "You too?"-interviewer "Of course I talked to my friends about her and when she walked across...