Hayasaka and Shinzo Take a Summer Trip 2.2

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In the night, a shriek can be heard from a TV as a couple was watching an old-school horror flick to pass their time.

A young woman on the couch sprang a bit at the sight while a young man was not fazed at all.

"Were you not scared at all, Houtarou?" she asked in a voice reminiscent of Spring for its sweetness.

"You expected me, Eru?" Houtarou said, with a voice that was boredom incarnate.

They were inside a living room in the dark. They wore their clothes for sleeping. One had black silky-smooth hair reaching to her shoulders, and some strands stretching lower. She had curious violet eyes, a cute button nose, and a constant 'o' shaped mouth, if not a sweet smile. She resonated activity and innocence by just posture and look alone. She was Eru Chitanda.

But going in contrast to her was the young man. His big fluff of hair was greenish-leaning to brown. He had a pair of dark emerald eyes, a keen nose, and a constant bored look. He had broad shoulders and was taller than the girl, who was a bit well-endowed on some parts. The young man's name was Houtarou Oreki.

Not able to handle it and seeing it to be the proper time to rest, Houtarou turned off the TV, inciting an annoyed response from the girl.

"Hey! I wanted to watch more," she complained.

"It's almost midnight," he responded. "We should be sleeping now. We have work tomorrow, remember?"

"But I wanted to finish it," she mumbled. She drooped down a bit, clearly disappointed. But Houtarou stood firm with his decision.

"No means no. We need to wake up at six to prepare for the café."

"Can we take something to bite for the meantime?" she suggested. "I want some milk and cookies."

"Well, aren't you a girl with childish tastes, despite just graduating from high school."

"They're my favorites, and you can't change my mind on that."

Houtarou thought over it for some time, then agreed. "Sure. I wanted to get a cup of water before sleeping anyway."

They made their way to the kitchen. And by now, one is probably asking: are these two a couple?

Yes. A definite yes.

Eru Chitanda and Houtarou Oreki were in a relationship.

Both came from the same town and from the same school, within the same club as well (something related to Classic Literature, I dunno). Even their friends in the same club can't seem to understand how their dynamic works. Here was a girl so optimistic, active, curious, and cute, compared to the dull looking, bored, lazy, and messy-haired boy.

Yet the two hit it off. After the man, yes the bored and lazy man, made the move and confessed his feelings to her, she immediately said yes. And they had been a couple ever since.

"Do you still remember the time you confessed to me, Houtarou?" she asked as she poured herself some milk on a glass. "I can recall how red your face was when I gave you a confused look."

Houtarou exhaled a breath. "Yes. I had fears. One was you rejecting me, and another was probably trying to explain to you how a love confession works."

"But that face of yours was charming back then. For the time first time, you stammered your words and actually gave a lot of effort on speaking."

"Can we not talk about me getting embarrassed?" he said cooly, his eyes presenting a bit of reluctance on the topic. "It was out of my comfort zone and took most of my energy."

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