Ai and Shinzo Face the Facts 3.7

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"Do you have any idea where they went off to?" Kaguya worriedly asked. The two were in a small park. Not a lot of people were around since it was past lunchtime, and very hot out. They had some nice food, prepared lunches by the finest chefs in the Mansion. But the food, as appetizing as it was, did not appease Kaguya's concern for the two eloping servants.

Kaguya's foot was tapping. She was standing while looking at Jitaro who was lounging on the bench; quiet and eyes closed. He was relaxed, in contrast to his cousin.

"Just sit down for a moment, Sister Kaguya," he said. "So far, I've got no leads yet."

"Well, you need to make some soon," she said with a demanding tone.

Jitaro opened an eye. "Just sit down for now and let me think."

Kaguya would've wanted to argue otherwise. But seeing that if she pursued it, it wouldn't lead them any closer to the duo. She complied and sat down at the bench.

"After shopping down at Akibahara, what could be their next destination?" she wondered loudly. Jitaro gave her a bored look and closed his eyes once more.

"Just sleep for a moment and relax, please?" he suggested. "It's a fine day out under the cool air of the trees. What's there to miss?"

"Jitaro," she said, "there are two people missing and we have no clue where they headed off to. For all I know they could be in danger—"

"Danger. Really?" he scoffed, still eyes closed. "You do know who you're talking about, rightn?"

"Well, I want to be certain," she said. "And surely you could at least be helpful in that regard."

He snorted at this. "Helpful. Say that to the guy who had to lead us where they went off to." Then he opened his eyes and stared at the Ice Queen. "You're the one to say that."

She sighed with frustration. "See? This is the kind of problem you have: you don't show much care about other people and just say that everything's fine."

That struck a nerve in him as he scowled at her. "The problem is me? Oh, okay. That's what we want to talk about here. Well, you know, you're also a problem in my eyes."

"How so?" she asked, now a bit annoyed by his response.

In an accusing tone, he said. "That attitude of yours. It's so damn uptight that it chokes me. That rigorous kind of rule you have for yourself that you impose on other people, including me. Yes, I admit! I am lazy and don't give a damn about the situation at times. But God, take a look at yourself: you're not a woman who dared to even consider the feelings of other people."

"Cite me an instance!" she raised her voice.

"Me!" he finally snapped.

Both breathed deeply as Jitaro looked at her with fury. Kaguya couldn't find anything to say, surprised by the accusation.

He closed his eyes once more and tried to relax. "You never even considered once how I felt in the Mansion, surrounded by a bunch of new faces. And what was the kind of welcome I got? 'Jitaro, try to be the best out there. Jitaro, try to be a little bit more formal. Jitaro, this, Jitaro that. All order and mandate from you and never a single question. A question that I wanted to hear from you. And you know what that is?"

Kaguya wanted to answer but her mouth wouldn't let her, like a barrier formed between what she wanted to say and actually doing it.

"A single question," here even his voice broke a bit, a hint of the pent-up frustration he had. "'Jitaro, how are you?' A simple question. Yet you didn't even bother."

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