Ai and Shinzo Face the Facts 3.2

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"Sister Kaguya."


"Sure are taking your time huh?"

On a small balcony in the Mansion, on a bright sunny day with not a cloud in sight, here were the two Shinomiyas

And the two were playing a game of Mastermind.

A butler was with them who was holding the code of colors which the two relatives tried to guess.

And by the looks of it, they were having fun.

Kaguya put on her thinking and reflecting pose as she looked at the board filled with colored pegs. Her mind ran through possible combinations and plucked out anyone that didn't fit. She had long silky hair that slightly waved at the morning breeze. She bore striking scarlet eyes that could pierce anyone. In honesty, her body was a bit petite, with not that much being developed either at the back or at the front. But what compensated for that was her intellect, always zapping and working, to go along with her numerous talents she had achieved through the course of her school life. She basically shoved in her closet all of those certificates and trophies because of how much she had accomplished. And she merely yawned when remembering the time she won the national Japanese archery competition with flying colors, as well as the time she painted something that garnered her the title of 'da Vinci' for that year. That was Kaguya Shinomiya.

In quick decisive moves, she placed down the four pegs and passed the turn to her cousin.

The young man basically bore her looks, so much so that one could mistake them for being siblings. Yes, he had those iconic pair of red eyes that always had a working and calculating brain behind them, as well as dark hair that he barely managed to fix up (a trait he got sadly from his butler). While her cousin was not that much sociable compared to him (he had basically networked with most of the people in the academy, thanks to some help from his butler and his information), the only aspect that Kaguya beat him was one,

No wait, two actually.

One was the fact that she was a whole lot smarter than him, and he always gritted at the thought of that. But there was even another fact which he hated, and that is,

"So, how's your boyfriend?" he looked up from his reflective pose as he asked her. Despite being in the middle grade, he still had that cocky-confident mixed air around him. And that made Kaguya roll her eyes.

"Doing fine, doing fine," she replied. "Last time we chatted, he was heading off for work."

"A summer job. My, how hard life can be sometimes." Then he made a cheeky grin. "Say, why don't you help him out with your money, better yet invite him over to work at our place? Win-win situation if you think about it: he gets money for the table, and you get to spend cozy times with him."

"Do you really think that could happen?" she made an icy response almost as if the board was going to freeze.

"Hmph..." he nailed down four pegs and passed it to the butler for checking. He pulled out two whites and one red. Then he clapped his hands, "now there's some progress."

"Anything else you wanted to chat about? My relationship belongs to my private quarters, not reserved for the likes of you," she said as she thought of an answer. Then she looked over. "Maybe we could try to give you better confidence about that height of yours—"

"Not a word," venom dripped from every word as he glared at her. She in turn gave a cold smile as she placed down her code. Two reds. "Well, got something better."

"Thanks for the help," he snarkily replied as he took his turn.

While on the outside, they bore blizzardly looks and moods, signs of the kind of people they were, something weighed inside them at they dared not to show each other.

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