Ai and Shinzo Face the Facts 3.1

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No one in the world wants to get that special and dreadful scenario where you're having such a good vacation, a time to relax and suddenly get pulled out of it for some sort of business that's needing attending, while not fun at all.

Hmm... yes. Why am I saying this?

That's 'cause the two titular characters had this exact scenario. And they were not very happy.

Hayasaka was wearing casual clothes, just lounging in the living room of the house and watching the local news when Shinzo, outside his uniform, entered in from the front door, almost slamming the door behind him. Not that he would care.

"You got the message?" he asked the girl.

"Loud and clear," she replied in the tone of a formal maid.

Which she actually was and the guy that just entered was a butler.

For their vacation away from their jobs and tasks (which were a lot and a lot hard, not gonna lie), they decided to head out to Shinzo's hometown for a fresh breather of air.

"It was nice so far," he sat down at the couch and talked over it in his mind. "Got to see my parents and my little sister. Got to see the old place," looking around him, "got to visit the beach and had fun," recalling the time he and Hayasaka took a dip in the water and had a playfully easy volleyball match. "So far, so good."

"Darn it," Hayasaka thought while watching the TV. It was on some local agricultural plant, but her mind was on what happened last night. "I would have wanted to visit that place where we went to last night. Would have loved to meet Eru and Houtarou once more. And they sure better welcome me back: I just raised their sales by a huge margin because of me." She could recall last night when they were serving customers as a sort of help to the owner.

And that whole lot is a story for another time.

Unless you care to read it, I think it's in another book somewhere.

The two were currently at Shinzo's place if you didn't get it. From the outside, it had that old rustic look akin to Japanese houses all with the hung lanterns and curved tiled roofs. But inside it was already modern looking with some couches, a coffee table at the middle of the living room, and a pretty modern kitchen beside it.

Not a bad place.

Shame they had to leave it soon enough.

After brooding over it for some time, they decided to face reality and head back to their room for packing up. As they entered, they looked at the one queen-sized bed where they slept the night before. And each can't help but blush, especially at what happened that morning.

"Too close," they thought at the same time.

Pretty soon, Shinzo had to break the bad news to his folks. And they can't help but be upset a little.

"Really?" said his dad. "The only time you get to go home and they decided to drag you to work." He had a wild mop of red hair akin to his son's hairstyle and bore a pair of red, stark and sharp eyes. A trait Shinzo also shared.

The two made themselves for the road as they talked to his parents. Hayasaka, with her blue feline eyes, decided to go out for a more casual look as she tied her blonde hair to a ponytail at the side of her head with a dark-blue scrunchie. Some light-colored clothes, both shirt and pants, and she was good to go.

Shinzo also chose the more casual tone and picked a dark-green shirt under his dark jacket, with jeans at the bottom and a pair of sneakers. "Not the best in fashion. But hey: it's comfy," he thought.

Hayasaka and a Butler Need to go on a DateWhere stories live. Discover now