Ai and Shinzo Face the Facts 3.5

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Morning in the castle was never pleasant. And by the second the family meeting was over, the two relatives were very glad to see the castle fade away behind them. Mrs. Hayasaka was at the front as they met awhile ago, bidding them farewell.

"Try to take care of my daughter, Ms. Shinomiya," she said with a smile, both light and pleasant to look at.

"We will Ma'am," she replied. "You can count on us with that job."

"I'm confident that it will be so," she said.

Then the two got into the car and immediately headed off from the castle. The sight of it was behind them and eventually shielded by the pines along the road.

"Good to hide away that ugly sight," Jitaro remarked out of the blue, then he realized that it wasn't Shinzo who was with him in the car," Sorry for that—"

"It's fine," Kaguya excused him with a dull tone, "I've heard worse descriptions.

Admittedly or not, the two were glad to be away from the whole family get-together. Never brought good things to them. Rarely anything good.

But that didn't mean that the two were on friendly terms.

They pretty much had nothing to talk about. Kaguya kept silent and immersed herself in her own mind while Jitaro played some music as he put on his earphones.

Despite being cousins, they acted as if strangers in the train: not minding each other's business at all.

"Hmm..." she wondered a bit, "I wonder how those two are doing." She looked at her cousin. No response as he nodded to the beat.

"Well, so much for conversation..." she glared at him with disappointment as she pulled out her phone and called Hayasaka. It took a few rings, but eventually she answered.

"Hello?" she answered.

"Greetings," Kaguya said. "I would just like to ask how things are currently over there in the mansion." Then he heard some scuffling form the other end, as if she were in some transport. "Hello? Are you in the mansion currently? Where are you at?"

Then what came next made her nearly drop her phone.

"Oh, we?" Hayasaka responded. "Well, I decided to elope for now with Shinzo. Don't worry, I'm sure that you could find us. Anyways, see ya. I gotta go for now." Then the call ended at the maid's end.

Kaguya gave a blank stare, dead-eyed with a shocked expression that was very rare: wide-eyed, open mouth, and so on. It took some time. Moments before she finally did something.

She ripped off Jitaro's earphones.

"Ow! Son of a—" he complained, giving a furious glare at her.

"Just shut up for a second and listen!" she said, a mix of screaming and shouting, with her words getting a bit fast, "Shinzo and Hayasaka just escaped the Mansion without permission. They left without telling their whereabouts, and now we have no clue where they are. If this continues on—"

"Okay! Okay! Deep breaths for a second, okay?" Jitaro tried to reassure her. Though at the moment he wanted to ask her if she was hit with a sledgehammer on the head before leaving, one thing was clear from what she said before it got muddy at the end.

Their two servants were gone.

And a simple response came from the young man, one of complete annoyance and anger.

"Darn it! Shinzo!" he stomped on the car floor. "I knew you could be rash in doing things, but brother you had to do this. Now how in the hell can I get the highest in COD now?"

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