Hayasaka and Shinzo Take a Summer Trip 2.3

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"Wake up... wake up... wake up..." said a distant voice. Then it went to one loud shout. "Wake up!"

Shinzo's red eyes immediately popped open as he jolted back to life.

"Woah, woah, easy there butler," said the voice beside him. He rubbed his eyes, sunlight hitting his face, a bit peeved and angry that he woke up. "What now, Hayasaka?"

"Nothing. Just wanted to see if you're awake."

He groaned at this. "Anyways, where are we at?"

"Uhh... in a bus. Around 10:30 in the morning, going to your place."

He did not like it a bit and tried to drift off to sleep once more.

Both of them were in the same seat as their bus passed by fields of crops along the highway. The ride was moderately quiet, some people talking here and there about ordinary stuff, a baby sleeping noiselessly with the mother (another trouble he had to face when he was awake), and some four friends in the corner playing some sort of game.

Your typical bus ride back home, but it seemed that Hayasaka wasn't letting him give any breaks.

"Hey, I'm bored," she said with a dull tone, looking away from her phone.

"No, your name is Hayasaka. Go away and let me sleep," he said, eyes closed.

"No. Entertain me," she poked him at his side.

She continued prodding him while he tried to catch some sleep.

Now, was this some kind of cold move? Not in this case for him.

This was done though to avoid Hayasaka, for a good reason.

For their trip, he went with the usual combination of a dark-green jacket, black pants, and some pair of sneakers for the two-hour travel. But she had fashion. And it did not bode well with him.

To start, she wore her usual ponytail at the side of her head. Then she wore only a simple shirt with one side showing her shoulder. The end of it below is a bit high as one could see a bit her midriff. She wore a pair of shorts which ended dangerously high as a good look of her exposed thighs can be seen. And for footwear, just some simple sandals. That was the wear she decided to out with. And he was not going to bother looking at her.

It was very clear that she came from the city.

Sensing something wrong, he asked her while his eyes were shut. "Do you have any sweaters on board? The AC seems to be a bit too cold on this bus."

No. It's summer vacation," she replied nonchalantly. "Of course I wouldn't bring a sweater. Why do you ask?"

"It's because of your distracting outfit," he almost said but kept it locked inside his mind. There were two classes of girls in his eyes when it came to outfits. There were those who did not show much and were body conscious. And there were those who showed a bit more than usual and were not conscious of it.

And no way in hell was he letting Hayasaka go for the second category of girls.

"Just afraid you might catch a cold," he said, making up the usual excuse in this situation.

Unbeknownst to him though, behind the bored cat-like eyes of Hayasaka, a mind was furious and blazing at his indifference.

"I had to pick the best outfit I could get from the closet, and checked the summer catalogs on fashion just for this trip, and you're not going to appreciate it?!" she almost shouted, already squirming inside due to anger.

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