Hayasaka and Shinzo Take a Summer Trip 2.11

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"I don't get why you liked that drama," Houtarou asked in disbelief, never capturing the full essence as to why the show was entertaining.

"Why not?" Eru complained as they entered the room and closed the door behind her. "It's a good show where the characters strive hard despite their background as poor folks and getting thrown at the sidelines."

"But with characters that seem to seep off their very essence of evil?" Houtarou doubted. "Look, I know bad people exist in the real world, but I don't need a show to remind me that. I'd rather want a show to give them what they deserve."

The two, after cleaning up the café/restaurant, decided to watch one episode of a series that Eru started to take interest in. And after sitting in for one hour and leaving them with an irritating cliffhanger, they went to their room to prepare for bed while voicing their thoughts on it.

"Now," he admitted to himself, "I know I should at least show some interest that my special other has to strengthen the bond, but no way can I enjoy that show."

"Why do you have that look?" Eru asked quizzically.

"What look?" he asked, popping off from his thoughts.

"That look that you wear when you recall something you don't like." Then she connected the dots. "You didn't like the show at all, did you?" she accused him at the spot.

"Now, Option One," he rationalized, "I could say with full brutal honesty that it sucked for me... But then again, that option might lead me to her hating on me for a week at most. So then, Option Two it is."

"I didn't really say that," he dodged the question, "You know you made that conclusion, not me."

"Then you liked it."

"Naah, didn't say that either."

"Then what can you say about it?" she pushed the topic on him,

He sighed deeply out of slight frustration as he prepared his futon.

"Dang it," he thought, "if only I had what Shinzo had when dealing with these types of questions." Then he stopped on his tracks and his eyes drifted off.

"What it is you're thinking about now?" Eru asked, noticing the sudden shift in his thinking and look.

He shook his head and looked at the futon. "Nothing, just a memory that popped in about those two."

"They've just left and you already miss them, huh?" Eru asked with a smile.

"No I don't—" then he stopped his words.

"Seems that you're in denial," she slightly teased him.

"Wow!" Houtarou shot back, "Since when did the Eru Chitanda tease her boyfriend?"

"Well," she put her hands behind her, "got a few lessons from a new friend of mine."

"Aww, isn't that nice?" he nonchalantly said, looking over at the window, pretending not to bother much in this conversation.

"Please don't tell me you didn't make friends with Shinzo," she gave a worried stare at him.

"Hmm... friends, huh?" he said to himself. Recalling their conversation in the kitchen awhile ago, the telltale signs of friends were sprayed all over their encounter.

"It would be kinda foolish to deny..." he thought, Then he countered it, "But of course it can be too foolish to say that we are friends right away."

"He has potential," Houtarou answered, looking at Eru.

"Do you think we'll meet them again?" she asked as she also fixed her futon, ready for bed.

"Dunno. Don't care when that happens," Houtarou said.

Hayasaka and a Butler Need to go on a DateWhere stories live. Discover now