Hayasaka and Shinzo Take a Summer Trip 2.5

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Another boy had the same thought as he sighed and looked at the view in front of him.

It was serene, no doubt. But the thing with that beautiful thought is that other people had the same idea.

They were standing before a wide beach with its blue pristine waters hitting the white sand. Some establishments were scattered here and there, ready to accommodate and serve. The sun was bright in the midafternoon time as Shinzo raised a hand to shield his eyes. The sound of locusts could be heard from behind, just across the road.

The typical beach scene.

They dropped by while Shinzo's dad parked their car; a simple SUV that might have seen Shinzo's infancy days. It was modest yet still useful.

"Well then, let's go find a place to rest," Mrs. Nagama said as she held Momoka's hand. She decided to head out on a more active fit with just some pants and a plain-designed skirt.

"Finally, a word I've been looking forward to," Shinzo said. He wore khaki shorts and a white shirt. He had a bag slung on his shoulder and from the look of his eyes one could tell that the first thing he wanted to do was drop down at a shaded seat and snore.

"We're at the beach, Shinzo. Liven up a little," said Hayasaka. She wore a turtleneck jacket with a zipper just opening on her neck. At the bottom a pair of blue shorts can be seen, the same hue of the water. Her ponytail at the side (her signature look) swished a bit when looking around the place, her deep feline eyes focused.

They weren't alone, that's for sure as people walked along the shoreline and swam in the water. Not big enough to be a crowd, but not small enough for it to be just a group of people.

In spite of that, they were going to enjoy this day.

As they headed down from dirty to sandy grounds, their slippers and flip-flops leaving a trail behind them, Mrs. Nagama looked around for a bit.

Now in the moment as she scouted, Shinzo (though he wouldn't show it) was getting a bit worried. Mostly because some folk were looking at their direction. No, not paying attention to him or his family. But paying attention to her.

It's true that she could wear a maid uniform with class. He had seen that many times. But he never got a chance to see what she would wear on a fine day and place like this.

And he wasn't the only curious one.

He could sense them. Eyes were on her, some more subtle than others.

That irked him somehow, made him a bit...

"Not, not jealous..." he thought. "Just looking out for a friend, that's all. Great, why did Hayasaka have to be those kinds of girls, the one who could wear the most... attractive wear without batting a single eye?"

He shook his head. They were there now, and nothing really was going to change that.

Eventually, his mom picked a good spot as she pointed to a place near the trees where there wasn't an abundance of people.

"Yeah, that could work," he said as they went there.

At the meanwhile, what was Hayasaka thinking in all of this?

She always wanted to see the world and visit many places. Maybe an influence from her mother? Perhaps. But she can't deny that she wanted it.

And that might have been the main reason why she was on this trip to begin with, to be in new places.

It was rare for her to go out, unless it was a task. But she never did it that much. Her circle of friends preferred the life of hanging out in trendy cafes and karaoke places. Those were her comfort places.

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