Hayasaka and Shinzo Take a Summer Trip 2.9

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Usually, off the top of his head, Shinzo would say whatever he wanted. But at that moment he was silent. Then finally, he answered, "Well, just a couple of friends who love to hang out."

Houtarou gave an amused grin, obviously not taking his words seriously. "You know, two kinds of pairs of people say those things."

"Didn't know that you were a psychologist..." Shinzo shot.

"Not really," he replied, "but I got this with data and testing. And I can say that one, a couple of friends would say that, and two, a couple of friends who have potential, could say that."

Shinzo thought well of his words. "The heck do you mean by 'potential'?"

"You're a kid who belongs to the human race," Houtarou responded as he accounted for the ingredients to be used. "I shouldn't elaborate on it, should I? Well, whether you are clueless or dishonest with your thoughts," he emphasized a little more at the second possibility, "what I mean is that your friendship could turn to a real relationship: an actual girlfriend-boyfriend relationship."

Then Shinzo's eyes widened, showing his shock as he moved to the young detective. He took his shoulders. "Houtarou, please tell me..." he asked in a serious tone.

"What is it?" he asked, a sweatdrop forming on his forehead to the sudden close distance.

"Please tell me that you are joking!" he said as he moved his arms from him and leaned on the wall. "Really? Didn't know that a detective could turn to a love therapist as well."

Houtarou sighed at this. "Well, he's a knucklehead when it comes to this topic," he said to himself.

Hayasaka dragged Eru outside, no not to get a breath of fresh air for the night. But it's more due to the topic that Eru decided to pick. And it started with that darn question, and now it reached to this point.

She and Shinzo were friends, and she explained it to her.

"Yes, that's the situation," she said to herself. "But then it had to turn to a direction I should've expected."

"Really?" Eru asked awhile back, "you act more like a couple rather than a pair of friends."

And now they were there, with Hayasaka trying her best to argue otherwise.

Honestly, Honesty can be treasurable, but it could perhaps touch some topics people would rather keep in closets than show outside.

"No, we're just some friends who met in the same workplace. That's all," she stated.

But Eru tilted her head a bit; not sure on how to react to that statement. She didn't buy it for a second.

"Are you sure?" she asked.

"Most definitely," Hayasaka responded.

"Well then," Houtarou rubbed his chin as Shinzo denied him the possibility of them becoming a couple. After sorting through his experiences and his thoughts on them, he made some comments.

"To start," he said, looking at him directly, "I know for a fact that you've been quite attentive at your 'friend' since I first laid my eyes on you."

"Any proof?" Shinzo retorted.

"Well," he replied, "while I don't have CCTV footage to back me up on this one, I'll leave this to your good judge of character on yourself. I saw that while you were delivering some food at a table or cleaning one, you cannot help but glance at her now and again, as if you wanted her attention, especially when you did that stunt."

"It could be that I wanted to show off to my friend," he countered.

"Oh, and for what purpose? Normally, friends joke with each other but rarely impress."

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