Ai and Shinzo Face the Facts 3.6

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Ai and Shinzo were out of the anime district and decided to walk along a certain part of the more rural part of the place. The environment was still urban and had some houses and businesses here and there.

Shinzo looked at the time. Already twelve o' clock.

They were going to need some food.

"Already hungry?" he asked her. Out of instinct, he looked at her hands, still clinging onto each other despite not being in the crowded city-center anymore. Yet they chose to cling on.

"Not really, but I could use some lunch now," she said.

"Splendid, how about we go to that place?" he pointed over to a small ramen place.

She raised a brow. "You want to eat ramen in a middle of a summer day?"

"Any problems with that?" he objected. "Seems not to be a crime."

"Though it should be."

"You're not a congresswoman so shut up."

Without much more of a complaint, Ai shrugged. "Fine, I could use a bite."

"Glad to hear that," he said.

They crossed the street and entered the place.

They noticed immediately that one: they were the only customers in that place at that time, and two:

A girl around their age was the one to welcome them.

And Hayasaka couldn't help but stare at her just a bit longer than normal.

She was a bit short, shorter than her at least. She had her brown chestnut hair, combed neatly, cut until her shoulders. She wore a pair of smarty-looking glasses with those red rims and frame; resembling those used by accountants when sorting through data. She wore the uniform of the place, as Ai assumed: a deep-blue coat-robe around her as well as a skirt of the same hue covering until her knees.

But those were not the details Ai was pinned on.

It was her...

"Chest," she thought, staring a bit too long before looking at her in the face. "So this must be what they call in the West as a... 'shortstack'? Did I get that correctly?"

That you did, my friend.

And why was she thinking about it?

Ai glanced at the young butler. He smiled and conversed with the girl. "Glad to be here. Can I get a table for two please?"

"Sure, sir," she replied with a stoic face and went off to usher them. Well, that was a surprise for the two. As they were seated, the girl handed to them each a menu to look at.

Probably feeling a bit conscious about hers, she decided to completely focus on the menu, even covering her face with it,

"What am I doing?" she said to herself. "I shouldn't be doing this. I should be proud of what I am and what I have, as what my mom used to say." Then she paused. "But then, she was talking about wealth and identity, not really about... these." But she shook her head. "No wait, a woman's chest is a part of her identity and so I should be proud of them." And with that boost of confidence, she was ready to lift off the menu from her face.

"Goodness they are huge!" Shinzo remarked.

"AHH!!?" Ai screamed inside her mind. She kept the menu on her face, unable to bear to look at the person who dared to compliment another girl just in front of her.

"Why that good for nothing, perverted, scum of the earth," she continually poured in, wishing to berate Shinzo then and there.

"Is that so?" the girl asked, a bit shocked at the tone. "Well, that's the first time someone said that about them."

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