Hayasaka and Shinzo Take a Summer Trip 2.12

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"Crap, there're guys on my right," he said in a tired voice. He was on a dark alleyway under a night sky, somewhere in the city, he believed.

He had a bat at hand, a bit worn and used already in whacking heads and bodies. But they were after him.

And he was trapped.

He had two lanes to pick, one to the left with five goons looking for him, and on his right with three gang members armed with batons.

"How in the hell did I get here again?" he asked himself, clutching tight to his club. "I thought I was supposed to have a vacation of sorts back home—"

"He's here!" one of the goons hollered as the gang saw him.

"Crap!" he cursed as he veered to the right alleyway, behind him a bunch of thugs ready to eat him up. Or worse.

"Tired and beat," he uttered as he jumped around and over some crates, dodging his enemies, "not my type."

With a roll on the ground, he landed and was about to catch his breath when suddenly he bent his torso backward; just in time as he dodged a swing from a club.

In two swift punches, one on the chest and stomach, and with one kick to his legs, he dropped to the floor.

Immediately, he swung his bat as another opponent was about to hit him. He parried but the bat flew off to the side with a clutter. Now useless.

"Crud," he said as he raised his arms, ready to fight. Behind him, an army of thugs was happy and ecstatic to beat him to a pulp then and there, while in front was a bunch of goons ready to drag him to the ground.

And he cockily smiled, "Come at me," he gestured to them.

One goon, a bit smaller than his him in height, lurched forward with a knife.

"Good," he thought as he met him, "grab the wrist and try to twist away the weapon. Then knock him out." And as quick in thought with his execution, he dashed forward.

Suddenly he felt the world shake and fall apart as the images before him faded away. But while the dark alley and the goons were gone, his movement sure was not as his eyes snapped open and done forward.

He fell to the soft bed in a soft thud, seeing the morning rays of the sun, glad to look at. The night was gone and a new day was before him. But all attention and thought were diverted away from those things. Away from the thug he was fighting awhile ago.

And he focused instead to the someone who was the thug supposedly in his dreams.

She had yellow hair, pair of nice blue eyes

"Oh shi—" he thought. Then he stopped thinking altogether.

Ai Hayasaka opened the door some moments prior to that and saw the guy still sleeping, though his face told him that he was dealing with something in his dreams.

"Well, time to snap him out of it," she said. But she stopped. She pulled out her phone and snapped a photo of him. Content and nodding at the result, she tucked it away in her pocket.

"Hey, wake up!" she shouted, trying to call him back from the deep. No response.

She rolled her eyes and got on the bed, attempting to shake him awake.

And that's when he sprang.

Maybe a thing he did in his dreams, his eyes opened suddenly and he launched himself forward. His hand took hold of her wrist and his body crashed onto hers as they both fell to the soft surface of the soft large bed.

Hayasaka could have countered it: maybe a dodge and a quick punch in the torso would have done it.

But how would she expect that kind of attack from a sleeping guy?

Hayasaka and a Butler Need to go on a DateWhere stories live. Discover now