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"Lesson Learned"

CHAPTER 15 - Part 1

Lisa POV:

"I knew it! There's something bad that will happen! Can you please get a life?!" Nayeon said angrily to Irene.

"Get a life? Lisa is once mine and she just takes her away from me!" Irene responded.

"What?! You've cheated! And you deserve to be left behind!" Nayeon.

"Really?! Lisa already admitted to me that she cheated first! Why don't you ask her?!" Irene.

"Whatever! Can't you just move on? Live your life and leave them alone!" Nayeon.

"I can do whatever I wanted to do! Why don't you get a life too?!" Irene.

"Shut up! You only set this party to enjoy seeing them not on good terms! Are you happy now? Satisfied?! But I pity you.. I knew Lisa won't give her up!" Nayeon.

"Come on! I already explained my side! It's just a prank! Can't you understand?!" Irene.

"You hurt her! Can't you understand too?! Now tell me.. You think it's just okay?! Well maybe deep inside you're celebrating." Nayeon.

"It's not. I'm not! And I already say sorry. I felt sorry. My bad, my fault, my mistake!" Irene.

"I don't know why until now Seulgi still loves you! You don't deserve her! They don't deserve you! You're not worth it to be love!" Nayeon.

"What? Can you say it again?" Irene said and step closer to Nayeon.

"I already say it!" Nayeon.

I'm just listening to them.

Irene is about to slap Nayeon but Wendy quickly stop her.

"Enough!!!" Seulgi and I say it together.

Seulgi face Irene.

"I can't believe you've gone this far.. I understand that you're not yet totally moved on. I accepted it cause I love you so much and I'm willing to wait. I always have hopes that you'll forget about her and love me alone.. But with what you've done now? This is too much. Maybe you need time to think.. I'll give you the time that you needed. I'm sorry guys, I'll go ahead." Seulgi told her and leave.

"Boss, wait.." Irene tries to stop her but she continues going out.

"See? Everyone will leave you! I'll go ahead too Lisa-ssi.." Nayeon told me. I just nodded. She takes her bag and leaves.

Jeongyeon just shakes her head.

"I'm sorry bro.. I don't have any idea about what she has done to your girlfriend. I thought she mean it when she said we'll have a surprise party for you and Jennie-ssi." She told me tapping my back.

"It's okay bro.. No one knows about this." I said.

"We'll go ahead too.." She grabs Momo's hand and for the last time, she looks at Irene shaking her head again before they leave.

Wendy stays beside Irene.

"I thought we're all good.. But you disappoint me again Irene-ssi. I just hope she didn't mean what she has said to me cause if she's breaking up with me, I don't know if I can still forgive you." I said looking straight into her eyes.

I turned my back and leave.

Third-person POV:

When everyone leaves, just when everything sinks in to Irene. She starts crying..

Wendy is caressing her back.

"You better told me about this.. Maybe somehow I can give you advice not to do it. It will not come this far." Wendy said.

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