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Chapter 55: Over Again

Before Lisa arrived.

Jennie Pov

"Woah, jinjja? You mean you forgot months before that accident? That means you have no single memory of sajangnim. Aw.", Jungkook exclaimed in disbelief. While Tahyung remained silent when I tell them about my situation.

"Yes, I have no memory of her, the last thing I remembered our CMO was still Mr. Lee Seunghyun, yes I know about his plan of leaving his position, and doing his own business. And the rumors of him being replace by a much younger one. And that's Lisa, but I never remember I met her. Maybe I forgot 3 months before my accident.", I explained to them while sighing. I wanted to remember her so badly. But nothings coming back to me.

"That's frustrating, for her and for you right?", Jungkook asked looking worried.

"It's much frustrating on her side.", Taehyung said that caught my attention. And I agree with him. Just thinking about her waiting for me for four years, yet when I woke up. I have to make her wait again.

"Maybe that's the reason why she didn't tell even to Mina that you're finally awake. So the news wouldn't reach me right?", Taehyung added that got my eyes widen in shocked. What does he mean? Did he knew?

"Uhmm? Oppa? how did you?-" I asked hesitantly but he seems to get my uneasiness.

"Ow, of course you forgot about it too. I'm sorry. I knew about your feelings to me back then. I did have feelings for you too, we both confess with each other. But I was too late, you're madly inlove with her already, and don't worry about me, I've already accepted that a long time ago. I'm ok now.", Taehyung oppa said, while he chuckled brushing her nape. He look cool talking about it to me, maybe he's really over it now.

While I'm here feeling awkward. Who wouldn't feel awkward when you just found out that your biggest crush confessed to you and you rejected him. Without remembering that you did it. I kind of feel sorry for him, because if ever he confessed to me now, then I'll be rejecting him for the second time? and because of the same reason. That will be really disappointing on his part. I'm relieved that he's not feeling the same way to me anymore.

"Ow, I see. I'm happy that you are.", I said shyly, as I gave him a smile.

"But sajangnim is good at hiding her mood. She always wear that straight face everyday. So we don't have any idea of what's happening around her. Is she happy? Is she sad?, Is she mad, everything about her is a puzzle. Since that accident.", Jungkook said pursing his lip. I didn't know about it, she always smile infront of me. I never seen her sad, maybe she still feel sad that I can't remember her. But she was hiding it to me with her smile.


"What do you feel about her then? How was it finding out that you were engaged?", Taehyung asked trying to avert our topic. But I'm already feeling upset, I know it wasn't my fault that I don't remember it. But I'm doing something wrong to her now.

"I was shocked of course. I couldn't accept it. That's what I felt.." I mumbled as I lowered my head.

"But now..", I muttered as I heave a deep sigh.



Jennie Pov.

"We're going now. We'll try to visit you again next time, and take Mina amd Jimin with us.", Taehyung said as he helped me stood up from my seat.

"Thank you oppa. Thanks for coming to see me. Please do tell Mina and Jimin that they can visit me, and please don't let them get mad her for not telling them. I'll talk to Lisa about it.", I said and bowed to thank him for their visit but to my surprised.

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