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Niall's POV
I shut the door and sighed, "what did he want Niall?" I jumped in surprised to see Louis standing behind me.
"God Louis, um nothing, just where you were. The park, or with Andy." I mumbled the last part, Luke is to attached to this girl and I cannot let Louis know or else he'll be on our top 10 murders.
"Okay? I'm heading over to Andy's, hopefully she got my letter. Oh and Niall, tell Zayn I like the rainbow on his head, anyways bye!"
Sighing again, Louis is not going to be happy. Poor Andy, I wonder how she's feeling? I should give her like a bear to make her happy. Yawning I realized my sleep was disturbed, "Mental note Niall, never wake up for no one outside unless there's food or music."

Louis POV
"Andy, I want you to know everything in that letter was real- no the truth. It came from the heart? The same heart that beats for you? My soul?" I groaned and ran my fingers through my hair, what am I doing? I'm worrying too much. I just need to calm down.
I looked down at my phone, great it's almost midnight. Well she still might be up.
After standing at her door for 10 minutes I knocked on her door.
Please, please Andy.
I sighed, two minutes, she probably isn't going to-
"Louis, um can I help you?" Her mom opened the door in her robe, awkward.
"Mam, I was wondering is Andy up or can there be any way you'll let me talk with her?"
She sighed and looked at the clock.
"Louis, I'm aware of the fight that happened earlier and I'm not very found of it, but, I guess this is better than you trying to sneak in to see her. Just promise me that if Andy tells you to leave you will leave? I know how some boys at your age can get."
Nodding she let me inside and went back to her room.
Okay, easy breaths, I twisted the door knob- crap, I knocked and then opened the door.
"Andy, it's me Louis. I was wondering if you got my note- well letter, and-" I stopped realizing she was asleep.
I walked next to her and studied her features. Her hair fell over her eyes and little snores escaped her parted lips. I moved her hair and noticed her year stained cheeks, "oh Andy." I leaned in and kissed her forehead. As much as I wanted to cuddle up with her there was this feeling in the pit of my stomach, something wasn't right.
Quietly I looked around her room, her angel stood on her closest, her phone was charging, but nothing of the note. I even checked her trash can. Wait, but if Andy would've got it she would've called me right? To say something, even call me an asshole.
"Andy!" I heard a voice outside of her window. That voice again.
Luke's POV
I pulled my jacket over me, I hope this is her window. Taking a deep breath I yelled her name out loud. Maybe she's asleep? I don't care anyways.
"Andy wake up!" I yelled again, where is she? She was never a deep sleeper when we used to have sleep overs. Damit, I will not go soft to some stupid memories of our child hood.
"Luke? What are you doing here?" I looked up and saw Louis standing on her balcony.
"Oh just wanted to see if Andy can do a quick job, but obviously you've reserved her mouth already!" I smirked when he made his fist,"
Luke I'm asking you to leave us alone please." I shook my head, "I'm not leaving until I'm satisfied. It will only take 10 minutes and then you can have Andy back. So please wake her up for me?" I smiled sweetly. I'm the nicest person I know I think, so polite to ask kindly.
"How about I kick your arse it that a better suggestion?"
What the actual, how, he was standing not even ten feet away from me.
"You were always a day dreamer Hemmings. Don't worry I'll make sure to put you in a deep sleep." He started running after me and the chase through the parking lot began. The cold air made it hard to breath as we neared the park, "Get back here Luke!"
Third person POV
Louis grabbed Luke's hood and pulled him down to the ground and threw several punches, "Andy is all I have, you- damn." He groaned and threw a punch straight to Luke's nose and made it bleed.
"You bastard!" Luke yelled and pushed Louis off, kicking him before climbing on top of him and punching him, "You don't even know Andy! I do! I was there for her not you!" He said and pulled Louis up before throwing him against a tree. "You liar, Andy hates you! All you did was make her cry and want to kill herself!"
"Oh don't blame me, you also bullied her Tomlinson so don't make me the bad guy! If I remember it was your plan to pour ice cold water on her during the middle of winter! Make her trip in hallways, the name calling. You are just like me." Luke laughed when Louis tackled him.
"I will never be like you Luke and I swear to it. I care for Andy, I love her and there is nothing you can do about it." He got up and left Luke there unconscious almost.
"Just like me. I love Andy too." Luke coughed and wiped the blood onto his jacket.

Well I have no idea what this was.
The random mind of a writer can be deadly I believe, but I have my limits :D
Anyways, I hoped you lovelies enjoyed and please let me know what you think xx
I hope everyone is having a great summer, anyone going to see the Boys soon????? :D xxxx
Vote, comment if you will :)
Thank you! Love you all :)

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jun 20, 2015 ⏰

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My Bully  ( Louis Tomlinson AU)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora