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I left after an hour of knocking, well banging, and yelling at her to open the door for me. Here I am now, alone, walking in the cold rain, but it made me wonder. What is love? I think love is when you see a persons flaws as their beauty. If you love someone, you can live past their features they see 'ugly' but it's beautiful, how they think they're 'stupid' but they're not, how their laugh is so 'annoying', but to you it's music. That's how I feel about Andy, hopefully she'll read my note I left her. If I can just explain to her everything, I know she will love me the same.
One thing I learned, but not from a Disney movie or a fair tale. Love isn't a straight shot forward for everyone, we all can't have what we wanted as a kid. I remember growing up thinking my princess would come to me and we'll get married, ridding off in the sunset.
That's the only thing that sucks about growing up, everything you thought your life would be disappears everyday.
I don't care any more about living in a castle or going to the moon and marrying some pretty girl. I just want happiness in my life and that's what Andy is to me.

I love you Andy, and I know right now you won't listen to me, but here me out. I've never met a girl like you, your shy but really fun to be around and act like your not beautiful but you are. Your insecure don't know what for? I love that though, I love being to one to tell you you're beautiful. Your flaws make you Andy and I want you to know there is no one else but you.
-Lou x
Nothing but a load of crap to me. Love is dumb when you put it like that, isn't just hugs and kisses? No, wait, that's the 'xoxo' crap? Whatever, I tossed the note he left on Andy's door into the trash.
I can care less how I break them now, obviously Eleanor didn't help, so who else- my phone began to vibrate.

Text from El
Okay! It didn't work, but I'm still getting paid right :( ?

Oh my gosh, is she serious? A couple hundreds for what 15 minutes? No way, I'll have to make my money worth wild.
no way, you need to do way more honey. Okay, meet me by the lake outside of the park. We have more planning to do.
Are you serious?! All my hard work put to use for nothing? Wow, Luke you owe me.
Whatever I'll pay her with sex or something
( A/N this is so out of my characters )
I called mike to ask him for a favor to meet me at the park with his buddy but he said he was busy doing other stuff. Yeah right, I bet if I went to find Niall he'll be with him.... Niall.
Draft guys, I want to see what you think x
I have no idea what's going on with our family right now.
Love you all :)
School is almost out too :D

My Bully  ( Louis Tomlinson AU)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora