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Hey everybody! Yes I updated, I'm sorry. I feel like an arse for not updating. But my life has been really messed up. And now that that's back on track. Hope you guys enjoyed :)
Andy's POV

I ran inside the flat seeing my mum home early.
"Mum, what are you doing home early?"
"I could ask you the same question Andy."
That's right. I should've know the school would call, "your lucky the call didn't come whilst I was in my meeting."
Meeting? She's never mentioned a meeting.
"You never said anything about a meeting." She smiled, "Yes, I got a promotion today Andy." She laughed and hugged me, "oh my god, mum this is what you always wanted! And I kinda, have some great news."
"Hmm?" She said and walked towards her room, me following. "You remember Louis right?" She nodded, "Oh yeah, that lovely boy from the hospital, yeah?"
"Yeah. He kinda asked me out." I smiled, leaving out the part that we kissed, "oh Andy! I'm so happy darling, but I wish I could be here to see you."
"Where are you going?" I felt a little bit disappointed, her and my dad always wanted to see me have my first date, " I have to go into London for a week, or else I can't get the promotion." Sadly I smiled, this was something she always wanted, "Course mum, I love you." I hugged her as she kissed my forehead, "love you too. Now, I'm leaving soon, why don't you go see Amber, I'm sure she misses you." I nodded and walked out of the flat, I've been a bit busy, so I Kinda forgot about work.
"Hey Am, sorry I haven't been here."
"Andy! Oh love it's fine, your mum told me what happened. Are you okay?"
I nodded and told her what happened with the guys and stuff, "So how's school now?"
"Great. And, I kinda have a date tonight with Louis." I blushed a bit as she squealed, "the one from the hospital? Oh Andy, is he nice?" I nodded as she hugged me, "well why are you talking to me? You should go home and get ready. Bye Love!"
"Bye Amber!" She was right, I checked my phone and and saw it was already gonna be 6. My walking turned into me running. I reached my flat and ran inside, not bad, I still have an hour to get ready.
I hopped into the shower and rinsed off before getting out. I decided to not blow dry my hair, just let it dry naturally. "Nope, no, no." I threw jackets, shirts, pants, all over my room. Louis didn't tell me where we where doing so I didn't know what to dress for. Then I reached it, the dress. What a better opportunity to wear it?

I still had 15 minutes til Louis got here, I looked down at the dress. It was nothing fancy, but I admired the way it hugged me, but not skin tight. Shoes, why couldn't a pair of converse settle? I found a pair of flats my mum bought me god knows how long ago. Suddenly a knock came to the door. Here goes nothing
"Hi Lou." I smiled, he just stared his mouth slightly open, "wow. Andy you look, um, amazing." He smiled as I laughed a bit.
"So, you're ready?" I nodded and we walked towards his car, "I love your dress," he smiled, "perfect fit." He whispered. He didn't did he?
"Thanks Lou." I laughed

It's been about 30 minutes or so and we're still driving, "Louis, where are we going?"
"It's a surprise."
"Awe, Lou, can't I have a hint?" I pouted as he smiled and shook his head. Can't say I didn't try.
"Here we are!" he cheered and got out of his car. It was a nice small Italian place, a bit isolated, but it felt cozy. "Trust me it's really great." Louis said as he opened the car door for me.
"Hi, how many?" The lady asked In front, "two."
She nodded and escorted us to a table in back. "Here you go, and what would you two want to drink?" Louis ordered us two teas.
It was really cold in there, and I guess it showed. "You cold love? Here." He took off his jacket and put it around me before sitting down. Hmm, I've really never noticed his tattoos before.
"You have a lot of tattoos."
"Yeah," he chuckles, "my first one was on my ankle. A screw." He smiled. Laughing a bit I pointed to the one on his arm.
"Is that a bird?"
"Yeah," he laughed, " I think it's like this, you have a bad day. Just look down to see a bird and make you laugh." Both of us laughed. Louis was so creative and genuine, his little laugh. We talked a bit more until the lady walked up and asked us what we wanted, "Erm, well have two specials. " he smiled sweetly as she nodded and left.
"Lou what are the specials?"
"Don't know, but it must be special to be called a special."
He smiled cocky and laughed. And he was right.
God that had to be the biggest amount of pasta I've ever seen!
"Told you it would be special." He mocked.
"Be quiet." I laughed and put some pasta in his mouth.
After finishing all that. Surprisingly. We payed and left, "you want some dessert?"
"You read my mind. What did you have in mind?"
"Ice cream!" He cheered like a little boy on Christmas. Laughing I nodded.

"Hi there, what would you two like?"
I looked at all the ice cream, if only you could get more the one flavor. "The Oreo one please." I smiled as he handed me my cup. Oreos don't like me because I eat their family all the time. I giggled to myself as Louis and smiled and looked over the ice cream.
"Oh, would you two excuse me?" The ice cream man said as he walked to the back.
"Is it really that good Andy?"
Taking big bites I nodded and put some on a spoon for him to taste. "Try it." He smiled and nodded. But caught me off guard and placed his lips on mine. There, the fireworks went off again! He smiled in the kissed and pulled away, he licked his lips, "mmm, now I know why you love Oreos. They're sweet." I was probably a rose when the ice cream man came back.
"I'll have the same." He smiled and looked at me as he got his cup too.
We drove back to my flat as he walked me to my door.
"I had fun tonight Lou."
"Me too, Andy."
He said biting his lip before leaning in. It started out regular, but got heated. He pulled me closer both my hands went to his hair, he ran his tongue over my bottom lip asking for entrance.
Then his phone rang.
Both of us groaned in annoyance as he laughed a little, "well maybe next time." He teased.
"Maybe. Night Lou, and thanks for the best night."
"Night Andy,. I'm glad you enjoyed yourself." He laughed and left.
_____ ______________________
Louis POV
This went amazing, and that kiss. I'm really happy she likes me. I felt my phone vibrate again. Course.
"Hello! How can I help you sweetie!" I asked annoyed considering in ruined out moment.
"Louis, where is Andy?!"

hello my lovely readers!
I'm sorry it took nearly a month to update :( I feel terrible!
But I'm back and will update next Friday just for you guys!
Love you all, hoped you enjoyed! Please vote, comment, and rate. Thanks, oh plus my birthday is Wednesday! Hah, till next time loves :)

My Bully  ( Louis Tomlinson AU)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora