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L? Who is L?
I thought, slipping it into my pockets, I slammed my locker and walked into my first class. Hoping they skipped.
"Good morning Andy, glad to see you joined us today." Mr. Knight, my English teacher, said, "yeah."
Yeah, glad to be in your hell hole
Sitting down the bell rang as kids began fill the seats, I sat alone since everyone say with their best friend.
Reviewing over the arts of literature, suddenly the door burst open and the parade began.
"Knight! We've arrived!"
All them cheered, which really made the teacher annoyed. God , "Tomlinson, styles, Payne, Horan, Malik, Hemmings, Clifford-" "M'kay Knight we understand you love us but stop with our names!" Louis said as they all sat down. Louis sitting right next to me.
It was nothing, don't talk to him. He isn't who you think he is.
I tried to tell myself, tempted to talk to him. But what if he didn't change, yesterday was just an act? I would only make a fool out of myself.
The bell rung as everyone got up and left, another note falling onto my desk. L again? I didn't have time to read it as I shoved it in my pocket where the first note was and hurried to get to my next class.
School finally finished today, it was weird? Neither of the guys messed with me today.
Shit thought to soon
Today my mum let me borrow her car, and there he was leaning against the door.
"Well, Handy, I thought you never come." He chuckled harshly, "Louis, I thought you changed maybe, but NO! Your still a pain in the arse!" Where this confidence came from, I had no idea, but I was mad at him. I tried to push him off, but I wasn't as strong compared to him. Grabbing me he pushed me against the car, his face inches from from mines. Our eyes staring into each other, god I just wanted to lean in- Stop it Andy! I can't have feelings for him!
"You don't talk back Andy, you're just a worthless slut. That's it, you do what you're told." He scowled and left. "Where are you?" I mumbled to myself as I got in the car.
I walked the stairs to the flat, another note tapped on the door? Is this guy like a stalker or something? First school and now this.
They were watching.
Who is L?? Suddenly I remembered the other note I put in my pocket from earlier. Maybe it was L again?

Just kill yourself

No name, "Whatever!" I yelled and ran into the flat. I went into my room, eyes blood shot as tears still made their was down my face. Why do I let them get to me?
I winced as the cold blade met my skin, I didn't go deep or hard, but a little mark was made. I knew this wouldn't be what my dad wanted for me.
"Dad?" I cried as I walked into his hospital room, it was a horrifying sight just seeing him lying there. "Baby girl." The name he always called me, it annoyed me, but right now it was music to my ears. "Dad. Are you going to die?" I asked as my lip trembled as more tears began, "I think so," he took a deep breath, "but promise me something?"
"Y-yes?" I choked out as he grabbed my hand.
"Life isn't easy, I'm not going to lye here," another breath,"it's horrible, but I want you to love it. Your so special, baby girl, don't let anyone say different. Okay?" I nodded and whispered a small I promise. "I love you dad." He smiled.
Suddenly the sounds of monitors making a beep sound went off. "DAD? ANSWER ME! DAD,please, please! I love you! C'Mon! Please, dad." I cried into his chest, the only person who understood me. My best friend, was gone.
"I just don't know anymore dad." I whispered through tears.

I know this wasn't my best, and short too. Sorry
But school is almost out! :D more time to write. But for now, hoped you guys enjoyed and thanks loves!
So, what's y'all fav fan fic?

My Bully  ( Louis Tomlinson AU)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora