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"Alright, Andy I'm going to work. Love you bye!" My mum practically ran out of the door, must've been in a rush or something. I pulled over my baby blue jumper when a knock on the door made me jump a bit.
I slammed my closet door, too hard. The glass angel I had on there falling, shattering.
I walked over the glass and ran to the door, as the person knocked again. "Morning, love. Ready for school?" Louis asked, I nodded, "Yeah, but lemme put my shoes on yeah?" I laughed and looked down at my bare feet.
I let him come inside. Walking back, I completely forgot about the broken glass and stepped right on it.
I felt two pieces went through my foot as I almost fell on my bed, "Andy!" Louis yelled as he ran in my room. "I just stepped on some glass." I winced as it began to sting more, blood suddenly dripping a bit. Ouch.
"Hold up."
He grabbed my waist and picked me up. Carrying me into the bathroom. I guess he remembered where the first aid kit was, he grabbed it a using the tweezers he pulled out the pieces of glass, putting some medicine on the cuts. The same feeling of him caring came back to me, just like the first time. "Memories?" He slightly chuckled as I playfully punched him. He picked me up and Carried me into the living room and placed me on the couch.
"Do you want me to throw away-"
I shouted back, I didn't want to be harsh with him or nothing, "I'm sorry. No, please. It means a lot to." A tear fell from my eye as he wiped it away. " I'm sorry. Why?"

"I hate you!" I yelled at my mum, running into my room. Tears already flowing down my face.
"Baby girl?"
"Leave me alone."
I muffled into my pillow as my Dad opened the door. I felt half of my bed dip down, he was right next to me now, "why did mum make you sick?" I whispered and turned my head to see his eyes were glossy, unshed tears he was trying to hold back. "It's not her fault baby-" "Yes it is!" I put my face in my pillow again.
"I know you don't hate your mum, Andy."
"Then why are you sick? I don't want you to die."
I cried as he pulled me into a hug, crying onto his shoulder. "Things just happen baby girl." He whispered into my hair, "look, I have something for you." I looked up as he went into my parents room, waiting for him. He came back holding a little box.
"An angel for my angel." He smiled and handed me it. I smiled at it. Fragile and beautiful. "Let's put her somewhere she'll always see you." He placed her, well the angel, on top of my closet.
"I love it. Thanks Dad."
"Love you too baby girl." He smiled and hugged me, kissing the top of my head.

I never took down the angel; even when my dad did die. I left it there, it felt like when I looked at it, he was looking at me.

Louis P.O.V
"Wow, Andy. I never knew. I'm sorry-" I heard soft snores escape her lips as she was asleep. She looked so peaceful. I picked her up and brought her into her room. Stepping over the glass.
I looked at her once more. I could just watch her all day like this. "I promise. I want let anyone hurt you again." I whispered and kissed her forehead. She smiled a little bit. I promise

We left the hospital and made our way back to the park. Greeted by a pissed Luke and Michael. I mentally groaned as we walked up to them.
"Where the fuck did you guys go?"
"No where."
Niall said as we all just stood there. "Don't lye! Where did y'all go after we left that slut there!" I clenched my fist as my jaw tightened. I felt Liam put his hand on my shoulder.
"Just went back to my place, that's all."
Zany said as they walked away, ugh! Finally!
"Thanks lad." He nodded his head, "Louis, you can't lie for much longer you know that right?"
"I know, dammit!" I kicked at trash can over.
"Aye, calm down. Look well figure out something, alright?" Niall said as they all looked at me. I knew they would be there for me. "Thanks."

So the next chap will be a bit longer and will start off really good. Anyways, thanks for waiting loves! I've had odd? Stuff going on, but I will update soon! Thanks! Love you all! :)

My Bully  ( Louis Tomlinson AU)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora