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Louis POV

"Where's Andy!?"

"Wait, why-"

Out of no where the loudest scream came from thee direction of Andy's flat. Fuck Andy! I ran back to her flat and saw some guy in a hood had her pushed up against the door.

"I said Shut the fuck up!" The asshole slapped her! "Leave her the fuck alone!" I gripped his jacket and pulled him down to the ground and threw punches left and right. I was about to remove his hood when he kicked me in my stomach, dammit.

I let out a groan as he ran off, as much as I wanted to chase down the bastard, I had to check on Andy.

"Andy, love, are you okay?" I lifted her chin, her lip was bleeding and she had bruises up and down, "fucking bastard." I felt like crying with her, she was in so much pain it hurt me too. I promised nothing would ever happen to her again, yet it did.

"C'mon let's get inside." I picked her up Bridal style and used the key under the mat.

She whimpered a bit as I laid her on her bed, "Shh, it's alright, I'm here." I tried to soothe her, kissing her forehead.

All her cuts and bruises would heal, but I knew she would be scared forever. Who would want to hurt Her? She was like an angel, she would never hurt no one!

"I'll find who ever did this, Andy. I promise." I whispered and lightly kissed her check.

She drifted to sleep, but I couldn't let her sleep in that dress, especially after what just happened.

I hummed to a made up toon, looking for her pajamas, luckily I found some sweat pants and a sweat shirt.

Zipping down her dress, I tried not to wake her, and took it off. Tears threaten to fall, her stomach only showed more bruises and cuts. I'm so sorry, it was my fault. Quickly I pulled up the pants and put the shirt on. Much better. I layed back down next to her when my phone started to ring.

"Hello?" I closed her door and stepped outside.

"Louis what happened? Where's Andy?" Another tear slipped, "she's safe with my, but, something happen. I- I shouldn't had just left Zayn!"

"Calm down Lou, okay? Look we'll come see-"

"No, it's fine, I'll meet you guys. Where?"

"My place, see you then."

I hung up and walked back in, Andy was still asleep. I placed some Advil and water by her bed before I left.

Knocking on the door, Liam opened it, "hey, where's Andy?"

"She was asleep, where is-"

"Lou, c'mon."

Closing the door we both went into the living room, along with the others. They all had a look on their face, like they knew something bad happened.

Andy's POV

"Louis? Are you there?" Where is he? I stood up. Almost immediately falling back down from being light headed. Noticing the pill, Louis probably Left, I took it and stood up once again.

What else did Louis do?

So I wasn't in my dress, but then that means Louis saw me!

I felt a bit ashamed, I didn't have the best body, but it was very sweet of him to do that.


Okay I checked the bed, restroom, living room, kitchen, where is he! Inside the fridge? Okay that was just a random check, and no he wasn't.

I heard the door open and close, "Andy, are you feeling better?"

Not really

"Yeah a little bit. Where did you go?"

"Just went to talk with the guys, here you should sit down."

Both of us sat down on the couch, it was an awkward silence til I asked a question.

"Louis, do you know who that person was?"


Okay that chaper completely sucked, but I'm back! :D

And school is staring soon :(

But forget that! So guys I have amazing news!

August 22 the boys are Coming to. Houston!

I'm super excited and I was wondering is anyone else going?

Til next time, hope you guys liked it, love you! Vote, comment, and rate. :)

Please msg if your going :D.


My Bully  ( Louis Tomlinson AU)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora