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Niall's POV
I dropped Andy off at her flat when I ran into Louis, "Niall, is Andy here-" "Look, Louis she doesn't want to talk to you right now okay? God don't you realize how much you mean to her? How could you go and kiss another fucking girl like that!?"
"I didn't mean to kiss that fucking girl, Niall and you know well I'm not like that!"
Both Louis and I raised our voices as we got odd looks from other people passing by, one little girl almost crying. Poor thing
"Look Lou we can talk about this at the park." I said and grabbed his arm, pulling him away from the others who were still looking at us.
As we walked towards the park I looked up and saw the sky got darker, black almost, obviously it was going to rain later. I looked back at Louis who kept his head down, poor lad. Maybe he didn't mean to kiss that girl or whoever, "Louis, what did that girl look like?"
He shrugged, "I dunno, brown hair I guess? I didn't really look at her before she practically attacked me."
Brown hair, brown... I tried to think if any girls that went to our school had brown hair. No, but I do remember that one girl. Luke, he had shown me a picture once of some girl.
"Louis I think-"
"Niall you wanna know what I think? I think you should let me go back and talk to Andy because I can look at you right now and you'll see I'm not lying, I need to see her now Niall. Please."
I looked at him before nodding for him to leave. He patted my shoulder and began to walk back towards Andy's.
Only one thing left to do now, call Luke. Or Michael.
Andy's POV
My eyes had dried a little before I went inside my home, thankfully my mom had left for some shopping. I really don't want her on my case asking why I'm crying or what happened between me and Louis.
"Louis, I should've known he'd do something like this. I should've never trusted him."
As Louis walked me toward my home he had been asking a lot of questions
"So, what's you greatest fear?"
Hard, I don't really know, "dunno really, I mean, I guess being alone or losing someone important to me."
I didn't tell him how I lost my dad to cancer, but why would I? I only met him today.
"Well trust me when I say this, I'm some one you won't forget and you can never lose." He smiled at me before I told him good bye.
The next day, I did lose him.
*Flashback over*
And once again, today, I gained back what I had once lost, now it's gone for good.
Suddenly there was a knock on my door.
This sucked ): sorry guys!
I'm really doing my best I can here xx
Anyways I've just been so buried with school and I'm literally just so sick I can die.
so much
Love you all.. xx

My Bully  ( Louis Tomlinson AU)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora