Chapter 1: Double life

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Today is the day. It's time to go back to Ball State for my sophomore year. Luckily for me it's only a 4 hour drive from my home town in Illinois.

When I woke up this morning, I told myself that today is going to be a good day. I get to go back to college and be with my friends and teammates. We get to make more memories that we are going to remember for the rest of our lives. The only thing that I am not not looking forward to is being with my boyfriend Matt. But we will get more into that later.

Now I am just doing the finishing touches on packing and checking everything off on my checklist. As I was doing so, my mom came in to make sure I have everything.

Mom- Do you have everything?

Yes mom I went over my checklist three times to make sure.

Mom- Do you need anything? Like gas money or anything.

Nope. I am 100% packed and ready. Plus I filled up my tank last night and even got an oil change yesterday morning.

Mom- I should have never doubted you lol. You honestly get this mindset from your father. I on the other hand forget things lol.

Yeah they always said that I look like you, but have the personality of dad. Where is he anyways?

Mom- him and your brothers are helping load up your stuff even though it's only five bags. Not counting the one right there on your bed.

Yeah it's a good thing that I am driving up there by myself and not having to have someone ride with me because it's already a miracle that I can fit all of my stuff into my Mazda Miata.

Mom- So true. Are you excited to go back? And is Matt meeting you there?

Yeah I can't wait to see Hana and Maddie ( Maddie is my friend from the softball team). We are having a welcome back party at the softball house. And yes Matt is actually meeting me up there. Speaking of I need to head out Mom.

I hug my mom telling her that I love her and that I will be back for Christmas vacation. She tells me that she loves me and tells me to text her when I get to campus.

I walk down stairs with my bag and hug my dad and my two brothers (btw I'm a triplet). I always have been closer with my dad he knows more about my relationship with Matt than my mom. In my mom's and the world's eyes he is my perfect boyfriend.

My dad walks me to my car and tells me to drive safely. He also told me to call him whenever I need him and that he is here for me. I can tell that he is worried about me. I hug him again and tell him that I love him before getting into my car and driving off.

On the way there I turned on my playlist of songs that I love to sing along to. Time usually goes by faster when I do even though I am not the best singer.

I am only a hour away when I receive a call from Matt. Honestly I know what he's calling me for. First, he's going to ask how far I am from campus. Then, he's going to ask me what I am wearing because there are people waiting to take our picture when I get there. Last but certainly not least, he's going to tell me to put on the same act as the perfect happy couple that everyone believes we are. Watch

Hey Matt

Matt- Hey Jade I was just calling to see how far away from campus you are.

I am about an hour away from campus. Why?

Matt- Because there is a group of people here waiting for you to show up. So if you are just wearing your usual traveling clothes I would pull over somewhere and change before you get here.

Honestly I had a feeling that people would be there to get a pics with us since we are the baseball and softball national champions. Plus the school really are putting us out there to promote the school.

Matt- And don't forget to tell and show everyone how much we love each other, because if you give them any reason to believe that we are not a perfect couple you know what I will do. You know that I am not afraid to use your weaknesses or hurt you.

I understand perfectly Matt.

Matt- Good because you know that you are nothing without me. Anyways see you in 45 minutes or so. I love you

He ends the call not even waiting for me to tell him that I love him back. But honestly I don't love him anymore. This relationship looks perfect on the outside, but it is very toxic and abusive behind closed doors.

Our relationship was not always this way when we got together last fall. We were a real couple and we did fall in love (well I believed that I did anyways). We would go on dates together and make each other laugh. It wasn't until three months later when we got our managers involved that it started to change. He started to be more controlling and didn't want me to hangout with my friends without him. He doesn't even like Hana or Maddie. Hana is my best friend and I would vent to her about Matt. She knows everything that has happened between me and Matt. She knows that he would tell me that I am nothing without him and that I am not that pretty so I will never find anyone else. She even knows that he hits me. I would always cover it up or say it was from getting hit by a softball. And he would always apologize and said if I was a better girlfriend it would have never happened.

So yes our relationship in the public eye basically fake now and you might ask why I am still with him? Well one he is very manipulative and he would ruin me if we broke up. And two I don't have any proof to support my story.

He only likes this relationship because it keeps him in the public eye and believes that it will help him when he goes into the draft in a couple of years. So yes I am stuck with no escape in sight.

Author Note: I hope you guys like this chapter and don't be afraid to leave comments.

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