Chapter 15: Realization

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Three weeks later

It's been three weeks since I last seen Nika, and it has been miserable. Since we had that talk after the party everything seemed to change. We stopped talking every day. I am lucky to even get a message every two days. She did promise to give me space and she is definitely doing it. But I think in reality I totally blew it with her. Which means that I don't have to have a fall out with my mom in the near future. I guess that's a plus.

Anyways since then I have been focusing on my classes and softball. I brought my gpa up and I have been playing better than ever. I am definitely ready to lead my team to another championship.

Don't get me wrong I am totally using my freedom away from relationships to let off some steam. I go partying during the weekends and be a wing woman to Hana. I flirt and dance just for fun and to try to forget about Nika. But as you can tell it's definitely hard to not think about her.

Tonight my family are coming to celebrate thanksgiving evening though thanksgiving is tomorrow. They decided to come down tonight and tomorrow we will go to the thanksgiving woman's basketball tournament to cheer on Hana. I hope Ball state wins.

I invited Hana to our thanksgiving dinner tonight. We decided to go to the nice Italian restaurant. Hana rode with me.

When we got there my family was already there, so when we walked in they stood up to greet us. We gave each other hugs before sitting back down. My brothers told me about there business adventures and how the bowling season is going. My dad talked about some new developments at his job, and my mom like always talks about politics. That's what happens when your parent is a politician.

She was telling us about how politics shapes everything, and how we are starting to see it pushed towards children. She started to talk about how they are trying to pass a bill saying that they can only have the lgbtq+ community representation in shows and movies that are 14+ rated.

Addie- I know there are a lot of parents worried that their children will be persuaded into thinking that they are gay and bi just because they don't have the knowledge to understand what that fully means.

Yeah it's definitely not easy to raise kids nowadays.

Addie- I guess we were lucky enough to have you guys. I am so glad that you guys don't question the way of life and how god sees us.

Yeah lucky us.

Hana just took one look at me and knew I was struggling with this conversation. So she changed the subject.

Hana- so are you guys excited about the tournament tomorrow?

Hayden- definitely you know that I will definitely be there cheering you on.

Hana- If you cheer me on like last year people are going to start the dating rumors again.

Hayden- I would definitely be lucky to date someone like you.

Caden- plus he has a crush on you.

Hayden turns and hits Caden which never gets old.

Dex- what team are you up against first?

Hana- there are only 8 teams playing in this tournament, and we up against U of I. So we are going out and playing hard, but it should be a win.

Hayden- Do you know the other teams playing.

Hana- I believe Louisville, Iowa, Tennessee, Villanova, U of I, and Mizzou.

Caden- that's only six teams.

Hana- well of course we are playing, and I forgot about who the last team is.

Dex- did you forget or is it a surprise, because I looked it up online and they said that the last team is a surprise.

Hana- Yeah sorry I am just not supposed to say.

Yeah we definitely understand.

We talked for little while longer before we left to go back to campus.

When we got into the car and started our way back I said...

The surprise team that is competing is UConn isn't it? (Hana made a face that made me know I was right.) I knew it.

Hana- did Nika tell you?

Of course not. Nika really doesn't talk to me anymore. I haven't heard from her for a week now and before that she really didn't talk about anything. Which you know that.

Hana- Yes I know that she pulled away from you, but I just thought maybe. Sorry I won't bring it up again.

I'm sorry Hana. I have been miserable and I shouldn't take it out on you.

Hana- Apology accepted. Especially since you are throwing the after party for the tournament it's going to be great.

Yes it will be especially if you win. If not it will be a great thanksgiving party to cheer up your whole team.

Hana- exactly, by the way I invited some people from the other basketball teams who I am friends with if that's okay.

Like the saying the more the merrier.

Hana- wise words like always. But I have to give you a heads up because I invited my sister and her teammates.

That's okay I love UConn. Plus your sister will just ignore me anyway so I guess I will just have to find a distraction.

Hana- I totally don't blame you. By the way I know that she's my sister, but you know that I am here if you do want to talk about it.

Yeah but I love living in denial and it means that I don't disappoint my mom. So I guess it's a win win situation for me.

Hana- That's some weird logic, but whatever works for you.

I knew you would understand.

I pulled in front of the women's basketball house. Hana got out, but turned around to say...

Hana- whenever you are done living in denial let me know because I will stand by your side. I will even help you with your mom. I just don't want you to suffer anymore because you deserve to be happy. You don't always have to put other people's happiness before yourself every time even if it's your mother.

Thanks Hana. I still don't understand how I became so lucky to have a best friend like you. Oh and by the way if you ever want to talk about maybe dating my brother Hayden. I will definitely talk to you about it.

Hana- I will definitely keep that in mind. Well I will see you tomorrow good night.

Good night Hana. And with that I head home and think about what she told me. I fell asleep a little while later.

Author note: I believe that this story is going well what do you guys think? Like always don't forget to comment.

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