Chapter 12: I Stand With You

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It's the morning, and today is the day that we will make a statement. It is also the day that Jade will know that she really can count on me.

It's 6am and court starts at 9. Geno told us to be dressed and ready for breakfast at 7am because we are going to show up to the courthouse early to beat the crowd. We don't want to ruin the surprise appearance in the courtroom.

So I get dressed up in a pair of black jeans with a white T-shirt and black blazer jacket. And of course I wore my black and white Jordan's. I also decided to wear my hair down. I also have a pair of sunglasses to wear to help me blend in.

When I walk out of the Bathroom and into the room Azzi and Paige start to smile in a way that says that they know I am trying to be impressive.

Azzi- awe you dressed up for Jade that's cute.

Paige- All in the same you do look great.

Thanks guys, and I didn't just dress nice for Jade. And you guys look great like always.

They both said well of course, and then we head down to breakfast. While we were in the elevator I got a text from Jade. Both Azzi and Paige saw my face and knew that it was Jade too. They both told me to tell her that they were proud of her.

Jade- Good Morning and wish me luck because I definitely will need it to get through court today.

Good morning to you too and you don't need luck, because you got this. You got so many people standing with you. We are all very proud of you. Azzi and Paige told me to make sure that you know that they are definitely very proud of you and so am I. So don't forget that okay. I am always here for you.

Jade- there's the pep talk I needed.

I told you that I would still give you the pep talk. And don't forget to walk in with confidence. Show not only the court but also the country who you are. Because then they will see a down to earth girl who came from a small town in Illinois who puts everyone's happiness before her own. You are not only the number one catcher in the country. So just show them.

Jade- Honestly you are making me cry lol. If you were here I would totally be hugging you right now. So thank you and I got to go. Talk to you later.

Good luck and I will definitely talk to you later.

And with that the conversation ended and we went and got breakfast before leaving for the courthouse.


I am so glad that I got to talk to Nika before going to breakfast with my family. I brought Hana along with me, so when we get to the courthouse she will definitely have a seat with my family.

Right now I feel like I am starring on a reality show and people are waiting to watch me talk about my trauma and see all the drama unfold.

Honestly I don't blame them because I would be the same way if the roles were reversed. I'm just nervous and might say something wrong.

As we head to the courthouse, Hana helped me stay calm and told me to remember that she is here for me. I also remember what Nika said I am going to walk in with confidence.

I met up with my legal team in the lobby while my family and Hana walk into the courtroom. They told me today it will start with Matt being put on the stand to tell his story and then when we are done asking him questions. It will be my turn to tell my side and to fill in the blanks. Then we will go into recess for the jury and the judge to decide whether he's guilty or innocent. I took two breaths and walked into the courtroom with my head held high and my eyes focused straight ahead.

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