Chapter 4: the final wave of hurricane Matt

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When Hana returned to her seat, I had to give her a hard time and Maddie agreed with me. So when the game started and her sister walked out onto the court. I had to say this...

Hey Hana why didn't you tell me that your sister is so hot in person. (I do believe that she is attractive, but no one knows that I like girls. We will save that conversation for later.)

Hana- one ew she's my sister, and two I know you are just kidding.

I just smiled and shook my head. UConn won the tip and Paige passed it to Aaliyah Edwards and she got the easy 2. And I yelled let's go UConn.

Hana thought I was done joking with her so I decided to make more comments about her sister. Nika just stole the ball from Tennessee and ran the ball to make an easy lay up. Making the score 10-30 UConn winning. But when I saw Nika steal the ball. I looked at Hana and said...

If Nika could steal me away from Matt as easily as she did that ball. I would definitely be hers.

Hana didn't even say anything this time and just gave me a look to stop, but she knows that I won't.

In the second quarter, Nika went to shoot a three and it went in with ease. That's when I said...

Man Hana your sister has great form, and I bet she has great form in the bedroom too.

I guess that was the last straw because she said...

Hana- Okay Jade stop it because if you don't stop I will seriously just set you up with my sister.

Honestly it made me smile and me and Maddie high five for driving Hana to her braking point. And it just now hit half time the score is 34-56 UConn winning.

During the half Nika got pulled over for a short interview.

Holly- Today has been a great game for you so far because you already scored 16 points this half. Why do you believe that you are having a great game today?

Nika- it doesn't hurt that my sister is here cheering me on with her friends.

Nika turned around and waved at us and all of a sudden it's my dream and worst nightmare at once. Because all of a sudden we are on tv and now Matt knows I lied to him. Not only that but Holly Rowe recognized me.

Holly- isn't that Jade Taylor sitting up there with your sister? You have the number 1 softball player in the country watching you play tonight. How does it make you feel?

Nika- Yes that is Jade. And it is an honor to have a reining champion watch me play. Plus I watch the championship game and if I remember correctly she hit the home run to win it all. So yeah again an honor.

As Nika said that she looked straight at me and I looked at her. Her words made me feel something I haven't felt in a long time. Hana snapped me out of it when she said let's go to the restroom before the next half.

I was the first one to finish using the restroom, so I decided to wait outside in the hallway. That's when I saw Matt.

Matt walked over to me grabbed my hand and walked me down towards the tunnel where the teams come out. I got a pass to go by the locker rooms from Hana and somehow so does Matt. So no gave us a backwards glance.

He pulled me into the medical room since it is empty and he locked the door. He started to pace in front of me just like last time, but when he stopped in front of me this time he punched me and I fell backwards into the glass cabinet doors. They shattered on impact. My right side of my face and arm is bleeding really bad, but Matt doesn't care about that he just started to yell at me.

Matt- why would you lie about coming to UConn game I would have come with you and this wouldn't have happened. Plus you know how I feel about you being out in public without me. You know this is would make me mad. You were asking to get hit.

With that he kicked me two times into the stomach. I didn't even even try to get up. Honestly I don't think I could even if I tried. I am laying here in glass bleeding out and my "perfect" boyfriend is just watching me.

Matt- I don't know what to do with you anymore Jade?

I finally broke and I just said what I should have said a long time ago.

Matt I know what you can do, just walk away. You don't love me anymore and I am tired of faking...

I didn't even finish my sentence before he started to kick me again.

Matt- I do love you and I am not letting you go. You are going to keep loving me because you know if you try to break up with me. I will not only physically hurt you but I will ruin your softball career. And you know what I am going to leave you in here to think about it. I am going to head back to Ball State I will see you when you get back tomorrow.

With that he still left me bleeding on the floor. I forced myself to a sitting position. But like I said earlier I literally can't stand up.


When we returned to the court, I looked up into the stands to where my sister is sitting with her friends. Except Jade is not with them and my sister looks worried. I walked over to CD and asked her if she could figure out what happening with my sister because my sister is definitely panicking.

I watched CD walk up to my sister while Geno is telling us the play he wants us to execute . CD then walks over to the arena's security guards to tell them that Jade has gone missing.

When I heard that Jade has gone missing I am definitely not focused and my sister noticed. She walked down to me and said.

Hana- Nika just focus on the game, everything else we can take care of. Plus if you don't score anything this half I promise you Jade will definitely not let you get away with it. So focus on playing this game for her.

In the last half of the game Nika scored 15 more points making it her career best. The only thing is there is 10 seconds left on the clock Nika had someone run into the back of her when she went for the layup luckily she didn't get hurt that bad just floor burn on the forearm. She was bleeding so they bandaged her up so she could make her free throws. She made both and with that UConn won 108- 86. And with that she shook the other team's hands and then went into the tunnel with the rest of the team. But as she was walking towards the locker room she saw her sister crying.

Author note: Oh no what is happening with Jade and why's Hana crying? I don't know I guess you just have to wait until the next chapter. And again don't forget to Comment.

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