Chapter 5: the Aftermath

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When I saw my sister crying outside the medical room in the tunnel, I knew something bad had happened to Jade. I ran to my sister and embraced her. Maddie was standing there next to us and I can tell she is trying to be strong for Hana. When Hana calmed down enough I asked her what is going on? She told me...

Hana- the security guard who was watching the tunnel remembered that a man and a woman walked in this direction. He didn't think anything about it since they were wearing passes, so he let them through. So when the security guard got the call over the walkie talkie he remembered the guy leaving the tunnel but not the woman. So that's when he found her laying in her blood surrounded by glass.

Nika- how is she? And who was the guy who did this to her?

Hana- they are bandaging her up to take her to the hospital. She lost a lot of blood, and they are going to do a full body scan to make sure she doesn't have internal bleeding. And as for the person who would have done this would be mr. "perfect" himself.

Hearing that I just hold my sister tighter. And I did not even ask who mr. "perfect" is. A few minutes later CD walks up to me and says I have a press conference with Paige. I told my sister to wait for me here and to call Jade's parents because I don't know if either of them thought about calling her family.

When I got to the press conference I couldn't really focus and Paige could tell.

Paige- let's get through this as fast as we can so you can go back to your sister and her friends. But the only way we can do that is if you can focus.

I took Paige's advice and focused as best I could.

Reporter: so you two were the mvps of the game and you both got your career high game. How does it feel?

Paige: I believe that Nika and I can agree that we only played that well today because of the fans and how they pushed us to play our best tonight.

Nika- you are right I can agree with that. See Paige is not only great at basketball, but with words too.

Reporter: what do you think Geno would say about how the team played tonight?

Nika: I would definitely say that we need to stop fouling as much and practice those free throws because we did miss quite a few of them. But I believe he would say that we played well as a team tonight.

Reporter: okay last question. I noticed that there was something that happened down in the tunnel area. Do you know what happened?

Me and Paige looked at each other. Then towards our management team it the door way. The lady walked over to us sayings we can tell them everything except names. And since Paige knows nothing about it I decided to answer.

Okay I can legally tell you what happened just I am not allowed to say the names of the people involved. But apparently they found a victim of assault laying unconscious in the medical room. We don't know the full story but it most likely will be on the news tomorrow morning. That's all I know.

Reporter: Okay thank you for your time and until next time.

After that me and Paige both bolted towards the locker room we changed and told Geno that we are both going to the hospital with my sister. He gave us the okay but we had to be at the hotel tomorrow at 11:00 to meet the bus and to get on the plane back to Connecticut. We promised him and put all of our bags are on the bus so they don't get lost.

Paige and I jumped in the back seat of my sisters car and she drove us to the hospital. We all sat in the waiting room. They wouldn't tell us anything because we were not family, but Paige and I both were praying that everything would be okay. 

Paige ended up signing the shirt that Jade wanted her to sign. So they could give it to her when she wakes up.

Paige noticed that I was worried about Jade. I know that it's crazy to care for someone who you never really met, but there is just something about her that makes me feel this way.

Since Jade is from Illinois her family showed up a little over two hours after we called them. We all stood up and hugged her parents and two brothers. Which is how I found out she is a triplet. They talked to the nurse and doctors and found out that she didn't need surgery, but she had to have stitches on the cuts on the right side of the head, arm, and ribs. Also she needed a blood transfusion because of all the blood she lost. And that she had brain swelling, so she is going to have to stay stress free and relax for two weeks.

We are all relieved it wasn't worse and that she will wake up in a couple of hours. We all stayed at the hospital until she woke up the next morning.

Also the next morning, the arena sent the security footage from the medical room. So not only do we know who did it, but we got to hear what they were saying while it happened.

Author note: So how will this affect Jade? I guess you are just going to have to wait and find out in the next chapter. And don't be afraid to comment.

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