Chapter 11: You Can Count On Me

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I was escorted out of the courthouse and back to the car. From there My family and I went to eat before I went back to the softball house.

While we were eating, my parents talked about how court went perfectly in our favor and that if Matt doesn't get charged it was because his family paid them off. After that we all started to talk about random things and our opinions on things.

As it starts to wind down, I started to look at the people around us. That's when I noticed the couple sitting next to the window. The two women looked happy and in love. I wish love could be that simple. But, I wasn't the only one who noticed the couple.

Mom- Nothing against them, but I don't believe that is right. A woman should be with a man, and a man should be with a woman. ( she whispers to all of us.)

I kept my mouth shut, because I didn't want to start an argument. But I don't agree with my mom in this case. I believe that if you love someone it doesn't matter if they are male or female. As long as you are happy and loved, that's all that matters right?

Not to long after that I went back to the softball house. It was 4pm and I told Maddie that I just want to be alone for a bit. She understood especially since everything with court. So I went up to my room.

I decided that I should message Nika and tell her how court went, but honestly that wasn't the only reason.


I was just finishing packing up when I got a message from Jade. I looked at the time to make sure I still had time before I had to go meet the bus. And then I messaged her back.

Jade- Hey Nika, sorry it took awhile for me to message you. It's been a long day at court and with my family.

I understand, and how are you doing?

Jade- Well I didn't expect to see that big of a crowd outside the courthouse today, but I managed to get through it. Honestly if I hadn't talked to you this morning, I would've had a panic attack.

Well I am glad that you didn't have a panic attack and that court went okay.

Jade- Me too. But I am going to be more nervous tomorrow.

Why's that?

Jade- because tomorrow is when Matt and I take the stand to tell our sides of the story. Plus, it will also be televised. Apparently there is a huge amount of people who want to watch it unfold. It's just crazy.

That is crazy, but don't worry about all those people. All that matters is that you get to tell your story, and finally be free.

Jade- as usual you know what I needed to hear. But enough about me. How are you doing?

Honestly I'm doing great. Practice went really well this morning. Even coach gave us a compliment. But even though practice went super well we still have practice in the morning. (Not really lol).

Jade- that's too bad, I was hoping for a pep talk before court.

I still can still give you a pep talk, but I think you know that you can do it. Just be you and know that even though I am not physically there, I am standing with you. You can count on it.

Jade- I hope you know how amazing you are.

How amazing am I Jade?

Jade- I would tell you but I don't want to inflate your ego that much, so I guess you will have to figure it out yourself.

Wow I definitely know now lol. ( I glanced at the time and it's time for me to meet the bus). I really don't want to stop talking with you, but I got to go. The team and I are going to get dinner and then have a movie night.

Jade- that sounds like fun. I will not stand in your way to have fun with your team. I will probably go to bed early tonight so I will message you when I wake up. So have a good night Nika.

I hope you have a good night too Jade.

And with that I put my phone in my pocket. I grabbed my bag and everything else I need before meeting the bus that will take us to the airport.

Me and Paige rode together to meet the bus. Which means we were one of the last people to show up.

When we got there, most of the team was there already. And honestly I am just so excited to actually be there for Jade. Plus I really want to get to know her better.

When everyone else finally shows up we all got on the bus and head for the airport. On the bus Geno had to tell us to quiet down because everyone was so excited for what we are doing.
We even have a banner saying we stand with Jade.

When we arrived at the airport, there was no crowd of people waiting for us. Which means that our plans has not been leaked, and it makes me so much more excited about it.

We all made it through security easily enough and so far we haven't ran into any problems. But I spoke to soon. Our flight has been delayed but it's only a 30 minute delay, so as long as we make it to court on time that's all that matters.

30 minutes later I am on the plane stuck between Paige and Azzi.

Paige- How nervous are you right now Nika?

I'm not nervous. Why would you think I would be?

Paige- Because you are literally having us all come support a girl who you don't even know that well. Plus we all know you have a crush on her?

Azzi- Yeah you really do have a crush on her. You check your phone every five minutes hoping she messages you. And when she does you have this glow to you. So yes you have it bad for her.

Shut up you two. She is just my sister's best friend. Plus, she's straight.

Paige- who said that she is straight?

My sister, and Hana also told me that if Jade wasn't straight she still wouldn't be with a woman because of her family.

Azzi- all I am saying is that the saying is the heart wants what the heart wants.

Paige- yes and if it is true love it will conquer all.

You guys are silly. But yeah Jade is definitely someone who means something to me. I just don't know what yet.

After that the rest of the plane ride went smoothly and when we touchdown in Indiana. I started to feel the pressure.

Author note: I hope you like this chapter. I have been feeling a little under the weather lately, so it was hard for me to stay focused and write. Anyways don't forget to comment.

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