Academic transfer

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-royal imperial academy, Coruscant-

''Salad-zar!'' Gary called me once more with the nickname that I absolutely despise. ''Come on. Class is over.'' he disturbed my careful train of thought.

''How many times do I have to tell to fuckin' stop calling me that, Gary?'' I asked him. Seeing his non-caring face, I put my cyber pen on Gary's thigh. Expensive, these little cyber or holo pens, and I had an idea. I then clicked and the metallic point penetrated Gary's thigh. My friend was squirming and I ran to escape from him.

''Come back here, Salazar Covraii!'' Gary then gave chase and I cleverly hid behind the walls while Gary gave a blind chase.

(at the pool)

Yes, the royal academy on Coruscant does have a pool but it is for training purposes only. That didn't mean a prank couldn't happen though and that was exactly what is going on. Kyse and his friends, Hans and Gunther, put a rubber tire around Brandon and dragged the sleeping cadet to the pool. 'Revenge sucka! This will be for commandant Deenlark yelling at me.' thought Kyse with a devilish grin and then they reached the pool and Brandon was floating on the water. It didn't take long before he woke up.

''Aaaah! Help me! Help! I'm drowning!'' Brandon was panicking and they caught in on film. ''Kyse! How dare you do this!''

''Revenge for Deenlark yelling at me, sucka!'' Kyse shouted back and then laughed. An angry Brandon Kosvo swam to the pool's edge, then proceeded to get pushed back by Gunther. Brandon swam to the other side and gave chase to the trio.

''Come back here, Kyse! I'll show my boots up your ass, ya hear me!'' Brandon threatened and gave chase. The two cadets, Liz and Rosemary, couldn't help but laugh at the situation.

(with the academy girls)

''Argh... ack!'' Eleena Theth was being choked by Priscilla. Reason being that Eleena teased her about her crush on Salazar Covraii. Again. ''Parley, parley!'' she managed to croak out.

''Girls! You wouldn't believe what Kyse and his friends did to-'' Rosemary and Liz entered the room to find the usual stuff happening again. ''This again, Eleena? When will you give up already?''

''Help. He-lp.'' she started to become red and the girls had to hold back Priscilla before she actually killed a fellow cadet. Just a normal day in the life of my academy batch.

(the next day)

It was the end of the first term exams. Cadets got ready to enjoy two weeks of holiday on their own home planets. However, before we were to depart for our holidays, cadet #2340 Nigel Peeve and cadet #2355 Arya deGaul challenged me for a battle simulation. The cadets gathered around to see the match which was set to extreme difficulty and odds were not in my favour. I listened to their wild hypothetics as they seemed to be winning but I used my cunning to gain the advantage. Their weakness: their overconfidence and ego. At last, I turned the tables around and won this hard battle.

''H-how?'' asked a bewildered Nigel.

''You set the simulation on extreme and not in my favour beforehand. A good strategist learns to use the weakness of his opponents and your's, Nigel and Arya, is your overconfidence.'' I told them as I stood from my chair, looking down at their shocked selves. ''While you two were gloating, I made complex moves that would eventually give me the victory. I knew how you two would act. We have all spent six months together and I know very well how you may think in battle. Just because I am not the most social type, doesn't mean that I'm not worth consideration. Sometimes, even one trooper or factor can be the deciding factors in battle and war. And do remember, there is never a guaranteed winning hand. The situation can change in an unexpected way and cost you the battle. For such things, all we can do is plan and be ready for such an event.''

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