Jedi hunt on Felucia

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       -Khorsabad, Nineveh, Akkadia-

''Farewell Kore, Myranda.'' Rachael Covraii said her goodbye as her future sisters-in-law went home. She went back inside the palace and she saw two men. One of them a man just older than her aunt and the other was a few years younger than her but large and wearing the defense legion armor.

''Ah! That's her.'' the man said and walked closer to Rachael. ''My, Dainah wasn't kidding. You are a beauty. My name is Kazzim and I'm your uncle, Rachael. This is my son Raggal, your cousin.''

''Oh, uncle Kazzim. Aunt Dainah told me about you. Welcome to Khorsabad.''

''Yeah, yeah, yeah. The big all black on the outside, vibrant like a rainbow on inside palace. How in hells blazes did Dainah work out the colouring for this place?'' Kazzim Covraii muttered to himself in wonder and with a slightly comical feeling. ''You look just like your mother, Rachael. Two beauties in our family filled with gloomy asses.'' he said and both Raggal and Rachael chuckled slightly.

''That's actually quite true.'' Raggal muttered to himself, remembering how rarely his cousin Salazar laughed or smiled;  a sharp opposite to his uncle Andronicus. Then there was his aunt Arella and her siblings and their reputation but he'd rather not think of that.

''Your daddy Andronicus, so easy to humor and then there's your younger brother Salazar. Rarely laughs much and is impossible for him to smile. And don't get me started on Dainah. She'd probably hatched a scheme before laughing out loud.'' Kazzim laughed at the thought while his son and niece were quiet. ''Speaking of, where's your aunt, Rachael?''

''Oh, she's in her office, uncle.''

''I see. Well, you hang out with Raggal and get to know each other better. I have to talk with your aunt.'' Kazzim said and went to his younger sister's office.

(Dainah's office)

''Kazzim.'' Dainah addressed her older brother's entry into her office. ''What do you want to talk about?''

''Arella is causing a fuss, Dainah.'' Kazzim began. On the mention of one of her older nieces, Dainah couldn't help but sigh in frustration. ''She's using the law of inheritance as a way to become your heir.''

''What?'' Dainah's utter was low but tense and filled with extreme anger. ''She is using that against me? The nerve. I know very well the law codes, Kazzim. It states that, 'If a man or woman has accumulated much wealth and property but if that person has no heir, then their wealth and property should go the heir of their eldest sibling'. In case you don't know, Salazar and Rachael are my heirs.''

''I know that but Arella has support from some of the noble houses. Noble houses who are not so friendly towards you.''

''I am well aware of that fact, Kazzim.'' Dainah replied coldly. She hated being constantly reminded of it. ''I am busy, very busy. I have to govern over fifty systems in this sector. I have to take care of the company and it's expansion beyond the Mid Rim and now I hear that Arella, that ungrateful niece of mine, is throwing a temper tantrum like some spoiled child.''

''Where is Salazar?''

''Away. He too has work to do and if his message is any indication, there might be a new war.'' Dainah answered.

''A new war? Bloody hell goddamn it. At this time? Akkadia is like a room of explosives waiting to explode. The attack on Nippur is still fresh, Dainah. The people are growing increasingly more tired of the raised taxes, their forcefully taken property and against more than half the noble houses. You best be careful how you tread but without Salazar's help, I am not certain of that.''

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