Cobra's campaign and expansion

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   -the imperial palace on Coruscant-

''You sensed it as well, didn't you, lord Vader?'' Darth Sidious asked his apprentice, Darth Vader. ''That immense ripple from the dark side.''

''Yes, my master.'' Vader answered. ''I felt it. It came from the grand general, Salazar Covraii.''

''A powerful ally he's proving himself, wouldn't you say, lord Vader? The power we felt was no doubt a result from a duel with Snoke. It was time he perished already.''

''Master, is allowing another sith like Covraii to live alongside us wise? Does it not conflict with the rule of two philosophy?'' Vader asked.

''Is that jealousy I sense from you, Vader? A fear that Darth Ashur may replace you as my new apprentice?'' Sidious asked, toying with his apprentice's feelings. ''I have no such intention, Vader. The rule of two has served it's purpose;  the generations from Bane, all of their work, leading to me. If need be, some aspects must be cut off to thrive, same way Darth Bane shoved much of the old sith ways to create his own order. But, even Darth Ashur himself is a tool. One to help us gain more power in the future and achieve immortality.''

''Immortality? How so, my master?''

''In time, once his powers have reached their full potential and when I deem it necessary, I will use a ritual to take all of his powers and life force away. Doing so, will allow us to attain immortality, for Darth Ashur's powers in the dark side are tremendous. When the time comes, you must be ready to face him alongside me, lord Vader. It will take the both of us to defeat a sith as strong as Ashur.''

''Why not attack now, master?''

''He still has his uses, Vader. And a tool must not be discarded until it has served it's purpose. Once his usefulness is over, then we strike.''

''I understand, my master.''

     -Khorsabad, Nineveh, Akkadia-

''A star system, my lord?'' Roxanna asked me for clearer confirmation. She along with Nymeria who was in the room were shocked to hear this. ''An entire star system in the Unknown Regions was destroyed... as a result of your duel?''

''The kyber crystal in Vajra had absorbed the planet's life force and that of the star.'' I explained. ''The effect was that the star system was destroyed in a supernova. Strangely, the explosion did not result in the formation of a black hole. When it was over, I felt the power Vajra collected come to me and I feel... stronger than before but all the same, slightly different.''

''Let me see, my lord.'' Nymeria came to me to check and she used her sith sorcery to know what has happened to me. ''My lord, you have achieved immortality by the dark side.'' She said, shocking us all even further.

''Immortal? Are you certain, Nymeria?'' I asked for better clarification. Immortal as in the sith emperor Vitiate kind of immortal?''

''Yes, my lord. Immortal, similar to the ancient sith emperor. And your powers have become even greater than before.''

''Vitiate was able to grant immortality to his most loyal and useful subjects. Is there a way for me to share this?'' I asked Nymeria. If I was to be immortal, might as well share it with the ones I held dear.

''Possibly, my lord, though I might have to do some more research on this. Who do you intend to share it with, my lord? Just asking.''

''My wives, concubines, sister and you as well, Nymeria, Roxanna.'' I told them. 'What is a king without his queen afterall? Or in my case, queens?'

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