Plans within plans part 2

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                     -Ringo Vinda-

A raid occurred on Ringo Vinda by bold pirates and anti-imperial elements. The bounty hunter team of Primrose was caught in the mix, having been lied to by the pirate leader. Now, most of the pirates were dead and Uri Penta, Hadad and Tina were trapped with stormtroopers blocking their exit. Uri Penta cursed her luck and herself for believing the pirate's lie. Leading the imperial forces was Captain Brandon Kosvo of the Star-seeker.

The naval captain, wearing special armor stood forward and with a loudspeaker, addressed the bounty hunters. ''I know who you are Uri Penta. A former stormtrooper captain now turned mercenary for hire.'' as Brandon said this, the blonde woman seemed shocked and scared. ''I also know of your pilot. Yes, I did my research. Surrender now, to me, and I might consider making your sentence as light as possible. If not, perish and die. Your choice.''

''Uri, you're not thinking of surrendering to them, are you?'' Hadad asked.

''Nope. Cause our escape is here.'' Uri replied.

''I shall take it that you chose death. All units, prepare to fire on one, two, three...'' as Brandon was about to give the order, the walls exploded and Inanna, in her armor, entered and blasted the stormtroopers with ion shots.

''Hurry. Now!'' Inanna called and Primrose rushed quickly to the newly made hole and jumped onto the Stellar Fang. Before the energy shields manage to close the hole, Primrose managed to escape Ringo Vinda, leaving behind an angry navy captain.

''Not again. In situations like this, what would you have done if you were in my place, Sal?''

   -Cobra fortress, Ziost, sith space-

Large transport ships had carried the deported people from Naboo, those that rebelled against the empire, to the planet of Ziost. A big chunk of Naboo's population was taken, replaced by Akkadians on the orders of the new moff, Dainah Covraii. This was the use of the old method of deportation used during Akkadia's imperial years. The people deported to Naboo were chained;  women carried children with them, severed heads of the soldiers were chained on the necks of the men and the last of the Gungans also were deported. Now, their old life is gone. It is replaced by a new life and that life, was to serve as slave labour and toil in the factories of Ziost. They were to build weapons, vehicles and ships to the glory and might of Cobra.

Ziost was a different place from Naboo. Where their home was a beautiful, almost paradise like world, the ancient sith capital world of Ziost was a cold, desolate place. Their arms and legs were replaced by cybernatics to make rebellion less likely and powerful spells from the sith sorcerers forced them to work continually. The sorcerers could call upon their necromantic powers, raising the dead as mindless zombies to work nonstop. Not even death could free them truly from their horrific fate.

The ownership of Ziost was given to Roxanna, Nymeria and Thalia. They were to oversee the works and construction of everything that went on. Currently, Roxanna and Thalia were away to recruit more soldiers for Cobra, leaving Nymeria in charge. The succubus sith sorcerer hated having to act as overseer with a burning passion. She'd much rather help her new lord in his campaigns and fights to end rebellions. Her magic was used to make the recruited Cobra vipers loyal to her lord and resurrect the dead to continue working. But that didn't mean she liked it a bit more and to make it even worse, she had to be in the company of an overly dramatic, mad scientist.

Nymeria sighed as it was the same thing all over again. ''Boring.'' she muttered. ''So... boring. Why does Selene get to be with lord Salazar and not me? How come Roxanna gets to go on these tasks while I have to stay? It's so unfair!'' she complained. ''At least they admit that my sorcery is more useful than it's due but still... being stuck here with a lunatic who cause a planet to blow up with no second thoughts is not ideal.''

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