Years 8-9 ABY

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Important events following the Battle of Yavin during the Galactic Warlord Era ( 4-9 ABY)

5 ABY: death of Captain Kassus;  birth of Junia Covraii, princess of Cobra;  short-lived Eriadu Authority and subsequent execution of Sander Delvardus and the remaining Tarkin Family of Eriadu

7 ABY: fall of Coruscant to the Rebel Alliance

8 ABY: Battle of Dathomir-- rebel victory and death of Warlord Zsinj;  Zsinj's Empire would be carved up by the warlord's lieutenants, the Pentastar Alignment, Rebel Alliance and Greater Maldrood;  return of Grand Admiral Thrawn by the later days of 8 ABY

9 ABY: Rebel Alliance becomes New Republic and begin plans to restart the economy;  the Thrawn Campaign begins, nearly destroying the New Republic;  return of Salazar Covraii following the Battle of Bilbringi Shipyards and the death of Thrawn


     -Bastion, Pentastar Alignment-

News had reached the higher ups of the Pentastar Alignment regarding the 'Fall of Coruscant'. It greatly troubled the Grand Moff Ardus Kaine, who now felt that the Rebel Alliance would be coming towards him soon enough.

'I didn't expect Coruscant to have fallen so soon,' the Grand Moff mentally thought with concern. 'The Rebel Alliance will be sure to have plans on attacking my Pentastar Alignment... if they don't plan on taking out Zsinj or Cobra first.'

Grand Moff Ardus Kaine believed that as long as the Pentastar Alignment kept it's policy of isolation, it would be safe from any hostile threats to it's existence. That and the rebels would be more focused on other matters like Zsinj or consolidating their power.

But the rebels were unpredictable and could attack him without a warning. Kaine had to be very careful with how he acted and he would need his alliance with the Cobra Empire to remain as it is to deter any foreign aggression, imperial or rebel.

'I wonder, what befell Armand's daughter after Coruscant's fall?' Kaine asked himself. 'Never really did like her all that much, old friend. Suffice to say, Armand old friend, I don't think it will be very pleasant for her.'

-Khorsabad, Nineveh, Akkadia-

Priscilla Roth, director of the SS intelligence and secret police, reviewed the reports of her spies and lieutenants across the Cobra Empire. As she read each page on her holo-desk, she felt pleased at the work that her agents were doing. Force labour camps, interrogations and tortures and executions, all the regular stuff.

The Cobra Empire had inherited the brutality and rule-by-terror policies of Old Akkad. Unlike the Galactic Empire which did not display it's brutality and ruthlessness to the wider public, the Cobra advertised it's terror to all it's subjects. The deportations, mass beheadings and towers of skulls, impaling, flaying and crucifixion, these were all made public knowledge.

The reason was simple: if you rebel, Cobra will have no mercy on you;  and Priscilla Roth was in-charge of this 'terror advertised' along with running the Cobra SS.

''Excuse me, madam Roth? Are you busssyyy??" the voice of the mad scientist rang in her holo-phone.

''What is it, doctor?'' she asked, hoping it was worth her time.

''Just calling to thank you, madam Roth. These labourers and new test subjects are remarkable in getting in the job done, no doubt, and it's all thanks to you. Without you sending me all these wonderful little pets, why... I think I'm done for with my research. The travesty! Tragedy, I say! Can you imagine that, my dear, lovely madam?'' The mad doctor exclaimed.

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