Weapons and armor

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''Consider this the start of your employment under my name, Smithaz.'' I told the god of crafting and I presented to him my weapons. ''Fix, improve and upgrade Vajra.''

Smithaz examined the damaged lightsaber carefully and was surprised. He upgraded the weapon before and to see such damaged being inflicted upon it was very surprising. ''I improved your weapon before, dark lord of the sith.'' he stated. ''Such damage can only be done by my half brother, Perkwunōs.''

''Yes.'' I confirmed. ''He was the one that did this.''

''Fine. I'll fix and improve upon it but why show me all these, Salazar Covraii?'' Smithaz asked me. ''Your other weapon, I understand, but what of the others?''

''The power of these weapons-- Fehtan's blades and Mertyu's bident and chains-- along with the dragon teeth will be used to increase the power of Vajra to reach far greater levels like never before, Smithaz.'' I told the god of crafts. ''This place... this was where you forged these same weapons, is it not? The so-called 'Heart of Darkness' deep below the Netherworld?''

''Yes. The foulest depths of the world below;  a place, which, according to father's stories, was where Old Father Eternity himself came from. This place is alive with primordial fire-- strong, powerful, hotter than the stars and alive with Old Father Eternity's magics. A fire that helped creation to exist alongside the cold and water of Mother-Chaos.''

Eitri decided to speak up, his curiosity wishing to make itself known. ''Pardon me, lord Smithaz, but from the way you spoke, it sounds like you don't fully know it except that it's from father's tales.'' Eitri told the smithing god.

''The creation of this universe and the birth of my father and his brethren happened long before I was even born, my dwarf.'' Smithaz spoke in a softer tone for the dwarves were like his children. ''It was in these very pits that I forged Fehtan's blades, Pragna's spear, Perkwunōs' axe-hammer and all the different weapons that the gods weilded.''

'And now, this place will be used to create weapons I need to fulfill my revenge.' I thought and I suddenly fell to my knees. My body hurt all over and I coughed out blood.

''Salazar, you okay?'' Eitri asked, walking upto me in concern.

''I'm... fine, Eitri.'' I replied. ''My body... it can't handle my full power and given that I fought four different gods today, the stress is building itself ever more bigger.'' I explained and looked at Smithaz. ''Can you make for me a suit of armor that might be able to contain my power, Smithaz? So that I wouldn't have to endure this again.''

''I think I might be able to do so, Salazar.'' Smithaz said. ''My father and uncle Mertyu were angered by what you did four thousand years ago, dark lord. They looked for where you came from and when they found it, the land split and swallowed it whole. The metal from that place is currently here and-''

''You can forge an armor that metal.'' I concluded, finishing his sentence.


''That metal is called adarite;  it's nearly indestructible and can handle great heat. It's not a natural metal per say, but one made by channeling the power of the dark side and harnessing the power of a star.'' I explained to them the nature of the metal adarite, creation of the Sith Eternal. ''Create a skeleton, Smithaz;  the flesh will come later. We will make a new body entirely, one that can withstand my full power in the force.''

''You got it. I'll just need to go and retrieve the metal.'' Smithaz said and prepared to get the adarite. The dwarf Brokkr followed behind him.

''So, urm... hey. Not to be rude or anything but, why help us?'' Brokkr asked.

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