Cobra business part 2

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         -imperial garrison, Umbara-

I slowly awoke my eyes and I could see faint lights, though a bit blurry. My body ached a bit and so did my head;  guess that's the effect of my force storm. And what a force storm it was as it spread beyond the planet of Umbara. I grunted a bit and sat up. I found myself on a bed that was a lot more grand than a normal medic bay bed. As I woke up, I saw my death trooper captain, Anastasia, falling asleep while apparently guarding me. I coughed a bit to get her attention and she woke up, startled and very much surprised.

''S-sir! You... you're awake!'' she exclaimed.

''Anne, how long have I been asleep?'' I asked.

''Fourteen hours, sir.'' she answered. ''Now that you're awake, I can marshal Roxanna and Lieut.Col Roth of your condition. I was worried, sir, but now you're fine.'' she said and immediately told Roxanna and Prisca over on the comms.

''We won the battle right?'' I asked. ''What of the Umbara campaign and the war?''

''Yes sir. We won the war and it was thanks to you. As for the campaign, last I heard, it is almost over. The empire is sweeping the last remnants of resistance.''

''Good.'' I remarked and just then, Prisca entered the room. ''Prisca, it's good to see you-'' before I could continue, Prisca instantly came and hugged me.

''You made me worry, Sal.'' She said in a low voice. ''After that big lightning show, you just collapsed and I got worried. Never make me worry like that again, okay? Promise me that.'' She demanded of me that I make her that promise.

''I promise, Prisca.'' I promised her and her worries subsidied. ''Guess that's one more achievement in our career, Prisca.'' I remarked and the marshal of my Cobra forces, Roxanna, entered. ''Roxanna.'' I addressed her.

''Lord Salazar.'' she respectfully said my name and did a formal, low bow. ''You won the campaign in Umbara, my lord. And when you are back on your feet, the war. That force storm, my lord, it was unlike anything I have ever seen.''

''Yes. Tell me, Roxanna, how big was it? The force storm?''

''Covered the entirety and went even beyond the star system, my lord.'' she answered. ''It was beyond impressive, my lord. Snoke would be proud of you.''

''Sir, there is a message for you.'' Anastasia informed me. ''It's from the emperor himself, sir. He wishes to speak to you in private.''

''Everyone, leave.'' I ordered and they did. Prisca though, was more reluctant than the others and was the last to leave. Once they exited, I turned on the holo-screen and Darth Sidious' hologram was before me.

''Congratulations on finally pacifying Umbara, lord Ashur.'' Sidious began. ''This nuisance draws nearer to it's end;  not short enough it was, wouldn't you agree, lord Ashur? The force storm you conjured... most impressive.''

''You... felt it?'' I asked, surprised.

''Yes. Any force sensitive strong enough could feel the ripple. The growing strength and power of the dark side. It came like a mighty tidal wave over a shore;  a great hurricane of terror. Any jedi who felt it would know that resisting the might of my empire is futile. Snoke would be proud.'' Sidious said. ''As promised, lord Ashur. You won and pacified Umbara and for that, you will be promoted to the rank of high general. Finish off the last of the remnants of this failed uprising and rise higher in prestige.'' Sidious then turned off the hologram and I was alone in thw room.

''Enter.'' I gave the signal over on the comms and both Prisca and Roxanna entered. ''I have been promoted to high general now. I want a separate imperial force to be stationed here at the earliest to garrison Umbara. Then, I want my army and fleet ready to move and annihlate the last of the remnants.''

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