A new world

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My eyes opened to the light eminating from above;  a dew of the sun to wherever I was. I groaned slightly as I rubbed my itchy eyes and got up. I wobbled a bit before I balanced myself and began to walk. I looked around and saw ruins, the debris of the once proud and mighty Morning-Star, flagship of the great Cobra navy, my navy. Now, it was destroyed. Such a sad thing really, to me at least. I narrowed my eyes and found my weapons: Vajra, my lightsaber which laid low jedi and all kinds of enemies, and my pistol.

I walked and saw an opening, a hole, from which I could view the land. It was a forested place with mountains nearby. The smell of the air was sweat and pleasant, as if technology was yet to make it's mark here. I used the grappling hook of my cybernatic arm and jumped down. ''Weeeeee!'' I childishly said in a low tone as I descended. Good thing I was alone or this might have been quite the embarrasing moment for me. As I desdended down, I could see the tear marks on the Morning-Star's ruins. I reached the ground and I began to explore this new world upon which I had landed.

Vaguely, I could remember fleeting moments before I landed here. Some gigantic beings made of pure energy, waning and waxing as if like a strange, impossible to comprehend mix of fire and water. That energy was encased in a body of metal, I was certain of it. And, it was alive like any creature. What that being I killed and the others like it, I do not know. I can only hope that should I encounter another one of their kind, they do not do whatever it was they did.

I managed to climb my way up a small ridge and I began walking towards the forest. I could hear the sounds of birds and terrestial animals walking about. I walked and there, I saw water. I had my holo-phone with me and thankfully, it could work. I scanned the water and it was safe to drink. I took a few drinks from the river before I sensed something. I quickly moved my body and an arrow came. I turned my head and I saw two humans, primitives from their wear and gear, but armed nontheless.

I raised my hands in a show of surrender as I did not want to make unnecessary bloodshed. ''I am an unarmed man;  I mean you no harm.'' I said in Akkadian. The two did not understand what I said and I said the same thing but in Galactic Basic. However, they still did not understand. They spoke to one another in a language unfamiliar to me and they were ready to shoot me again. ''Don't.'' I warned them;  it did not work. Before they shot me however, I used a force push to send them back, hitting a tree. ''You should've stayed your hand.''

The two became scared and wanted to run but before they could, I force choked them to death. I walked over to them to investigate their corpses;  they were of modest height, about five feet tall, and their weapons were stone and copper. I sat near their corpses and called upon the force to meditate and I learned of their memories.

They belonged to a hunter-gatherer group and lived like nomads, going from one place to another. Their clan was small, about fifty in all, and they were led by an elderly woman who was also their shaman. This clan of hunter-gatherers would make fur clothing and sell it to small towns not very far from here. There was some sign of society here afterall.

'Well, a thing or two was learnt. Not a complete waste, at least.' I thought to myself and I heard some walking noises. I hid behind the trees and used the force to make myself appear invisible. I saw more of the hunter-gatherers come;  they were surprised to see their clansmen dead and they mourned them on the spot before taking them away. I returned to the crash site of the Morning-Star where I sat down to meditate.

I let the force guide my mind, hoping for an answer. There came no such answer. I had meditated for days on end, seeking an answer but there came none. I stopped my meditation and I became angry;  I roared angrily and I began to hit some random stuff in the ruins of the Morning-Star. ''What is the meaning of this!? Why am I here? Where am I!?'' I roared to the heavens before sitting down with a tear running down my cheek. ''Why? Why am I here?''

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