Extra-galactic campaigns

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A/N: the imperial hierarchy as of 5 BBY-

1) Emperor Palpatine/Darth Sidious
2) Darth Vader
3) Grand Vizier Sate Pestage
4) Palpatine's ruling council
5) Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin
6) Grand admirals and generals


          -bridge of the Starseeker-

''So, Sal has already finished with his campaigns in the Unknown Regions eh?'' Admiral Cornelius remarked.

''Indeed, admiral.'' an ensign replied. ''According to the report, the Ssi Ruuvi imperium was utterly destroyed and Cobra has annexed their territory in the Unknown Regions. Grand General Covraii has declared the formation of the Eternal Empire of the Cobra.''

''Eternal Empire of the Cobra?'' Cornelius repeated the name. ''I kinda like it. A secret state within the Galactic Empire. Few can really know. What of the territories that make up Sal's new empire then? How many planets? Is it written?''

''According to the report, the territories of the Eternal Empire of the Cobra, at this moment, constitute the Seswenna Sector, the Ssi Ruuvi Imperium's space, all of sith space and the Kadath star system in the Unknown Regions.'' the ensign reported. ''More than 52,000 planets, sir.''

''And that number will most likely increase when I'm done with my campaigns here.'' Cornelius muttered. ''Have the messengers returned yet?''

''Yes sir.''

''What is the answer of the leaders of these planets then?'' Cornelius asked.

''15 leaders opted to submit themselves to Cobra's authority but the rest did not, sir.''

''Then, we have our targets. Order the infantry to be ready and fleet to mobilize. Let us show them what happens when they defy us.''

''Sir yes sir.'' the ensign then went to relay the orders and ground forces were getting ready to move out and win for the glory of Cobra.

      -the battle near the mountains-

A line of sith knights and many wraith troopers gathered to do battle against the enemy armies of the far outside. One of the powerful kings of a planet had chosen to become enemies of Cobra and he had marshalled his army against the Cobra. A shield protected the Cobra soldiers as they waited and the ground shook upon the arrival of the enemy army. 15,000 of Cobra against 47,000 of the enemy army.

The sith knights held up their shields with their lightsabers attached to staffs, turning them into lightsaber spears. They formed themselves like a turtle, a shield wall of plasma blades, and waited for the enemy. The wraith troopers were behind them and waited with artillery and powerful blasters. The ground shook from the charging of many enemy troops as they entered the shield and ran to face the enemy.

''Hold line!'' the Cobra commander leading this force ordered his troops. ''Remember! This... is where we hold them! This is where they die!''

''Earn your lightsabers!'' a sith knight shouted to his fellow knights. ''Earn your armor and your blasters!''

''For Cobra!'' a wraith trooper cried out and the enemy troops made impact with the energy shields. The wraith troopers opened fire on the enemy and the battle began.

The sith knights held their line, not falling by even an inch. The sith knights called on the force and pushed their foes back and stabbed them with their lightsabers. A line of wraith troopers came forward and shot at the enemies, killing many, and a second line of sith knights came to reinforce the line. Blaster fire was exchanged and so were grenades. Hundreds of enemy troops fell by the Cobra hands and the line moved forward bit by bit. The line then broke and the sith knights charged forward, their adrenaline pumping them up, the dark side fueling them and with their red lightsabers, they charged into battle. All their training and waiting for glorious battle in the name of their empire, they could fulfill now.

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