Part 10: Ivy

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I snarled lowly when we cuddled closer together on the floor behind the couch. We had one blanket, which we really didn't need because of our body heat and because of the fire going in the fireplace.

          When Avah and Lennox dismissed themselves a few minutes after Celia left, we all whispered quietly because we didn't want to risk Reagan hearing us plotting to sleep on the floor outside the bedroom.

          After a minute or two of discussing it, we realized it would be breaking a trust Reagan didn't really put into play but was implied, and it would make us look super pathetic.

          Hazel growled and pulled me on top of her, as well as Iris and Rose. She always liked to be on the bottom of the sleeping pile, saying she could hear all of our heartbeats better. The world's noise couldn't get to her when we were on top of her—funny enough; she says the same thing when we have sex.

          Iris laughed when Hazel snuggled up deeper under us.

          "This is ridiculous!" Rose whined. "Don't get me wrong, I don't mind her taking our bed, but this floor will kill my back." She said through the bond, I'm sure through instinct.

          Yeah, I agree. We could have picked one of the extra tooms in the cabin. Why the fuck did we not?! Did Reagan get in our heads so much that we just forgot we had other comfortable beds? What the fuck is wrong with us?

          "It seems our little human has fucked with our heads to the point of stupidity," I said finally.

          They laughed. "She smelled... amazing. Like, so fucking good." Iris grunted. "And that's not even including the arousal I scented on her. Although that was quite amazing too, I'm surprised I didn't lunge at her like Rose."

          We giggled, and Rose buried her face in my neck, ashamed. "I didn't mean to scare her... I was just... I feel awful; it just kind of happened. I wouldn't have hurt her, though." Rose admitted.

          Everyone's hand made it to her back, rubbing lightly. "We know, Rose. We don't blame you. Honestly, if any of us would have jumped her bones, it would have been me. When she was lying on my back the run here, I thought I might pass out from keeping myself in control." Hazel said, sighing.

          "CAN YOU FOUR SHUT THE FUCK UP!! GOODNESS!! Can't sleep with all of you talking in my head."

          We all froze in place. We quickly sat up and looked at each other, confused. That was Reagan. Reagan talked through the bond. How did she manage that without us helping her? I just thought she could hear us; she didn't attempt to speak through it. Or maybe she did, and it just wasn't working.

          "You- how are you doing that? We never taught you how to speak through it." Rose frowned.

          "It was easy; it's just like a wire, and information is feeding through it. Or like a tunnel. All I had to do was really focus on it, and I just spoke in my head." Reagan's voice filtered through our heads. "Now that I got that out of the way, and I don't have to explain myself anymore, please shut up so I can sleep."

          She is a very rude human. Yet that isn't changing the feelings I have for her. Wait what? I just met her. There's no way the mating bond is working this hard. We don't even have our marks. I'm not even sure she will want to consummate our mating to get our marks. However, I don't think she really has a choice.

          I picked at my nails. "Can we please sleep in the room with you?" I begged through the bond. My lovers looked at me like they were thankful I was the one who asked.

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