Chapter Two

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As soon as Mr. Bang told them to introduce themselves, they all stood up and did so, despite the fact that I had already learned all of them. Yes, I had no idea those seven people were coming, but I was renowned for being prepared at all times, so I looked up information about them and Mr. Bang.

But I still let them introduce themselves so that I might at least become familiar with their voice.

"Hello, my name is Kim Namjoon, and I am the leader of our group. It is nice to meet you, Ms. Jia." He smiled respectfully at me, and I could see his dimples as he smiled.


"Hi, my name is Kim Seokjin, and I am the oldest, but you can call me Jin. It's nice to meet you, Ms. Jia." He replied uncomfortably, making me smirk for a quick second, because I knew he wasn't happy to see me, but we needed to be professional here.

"Oh well, my name is Park Jimin, and it is also nice to meet you." He introduced himself while smiling shyly, which touched my heart, if I still had one, with his cuteness.

So lovely.

"H-hello, my name is Jeon Jungkook, and I am the youngest in the group," he added, blushing slightly and making me grin with his charm. Right, I knew he was shy with women and new people.

"My name is Kim Taehyung, and it is a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Jia," he said, giving a small smile.

"Hello. My name is Jung Hoseok but you can call me Hobi or Hope, whatever you prefer Ms. Jia." He cheerfully said with big smile, and I can't bite back the smile that are threatening to show.

A sunshine.

Silence descended in the room as I waited for the man next to Jungkook to introduce himself. Mr. Bang nudged the man who was just staring at me with an unreadable expression, and I did the same. Mr. Bang pushed the man, causing him to clear his throat.

"I'm sure I don't need to introduce myself, isn't that right, Ms. Lee Jia?" he added, smirking at me, still astonished despite knowing he'd see me here. I smirked slightly, "Right. I know you are Min Yoongi, but you should know that when it comes to business, we should be professional as well." I stated, maintaining a serious tone.

He didn't say anything but tilted his head slightly in amusement. Mr. Bang cleared his throat and glared at him before smiling apologetically at me, causing me to nod in assurance that everything was fine.

I took a deep breath and looked at Mr. Bang, "So, can you please tell me why you came here in such a rush? I don't really like making adjustments as I am busy as it is, but I'll let this one slide because I know you have no bad intentions towards my company." I said, keeping my voice strict and firm, while glancing at everyone.

Mr. Bang gulped slightly, and his gaze wavered briefly before regaining his calm. The members are more uncomfortable than before due to their friend, but that friend is just smirking at me. "Well, your company is known to have the best trained people who are soon going to be a security or guards of well known celebrities, idols and other very known people who receives countless amount of threats to protect them in any kinds of danger, even risking their lives." I smiled, now that I understood what he wanted.

My company is well-known for having the best trained employees who are dedicated to protecting their clients from any kinds of harm, including risking their lives because it is their job to do so. If you are afraid of being harmed or dying, don't even consider being a security guard; it is not the proper job for you, dear. I am also strict when it comes to training these people since they are learning all of the strategies and advice to fight better that I taught them.

Although I do not teach them personally, I will teach my most excellent man what the trainees must learn in order to survive. Being a guard is a serious and dangerous job, and I want to teach them everything I know so they can better defend themselves and their clients. Every month, each of them would have to spar separately with my best guy so that I could see their progress. That way, I'll know if they're prepared to confront reality and the cruelty of this world.

I turned to Mr. Bang and said, "I understand what you're saying, Mr. Bang. Does that mean that your boys--" I motioned to the seven guys beside him, who were either afraid or blank. "are receiving threats or anything that makes you to have this urgent meeting?" He grimly nodded, "You are right, Ms. Lee. Actually, this has been going on for months now and I am worried because the threats are not stopping and it looks like that they are not planning to stop anytime soon. I feel bad for these boys as they do not deserve this."

It warms my heart to realize how much he genuinely cared for his boys. He is certainly a father figure to them, which makes my heart ache.

I smiled, "No one deserves to be treated like that and you said that it's been months since they started receiving those threats so it is suspicious to me so I have to confirm something. And to be able to do that, I just need you to tell me what kind of threats they are receiving." They looked at me with confusion. "What I mean is, how do they receive these threats? Is it by texts or letters? Something like that."

They nodded as they understood what I said.

I added, "I would also like to see it for myself, if that is possible."

Mr. Bang nodded in understanding. He stands up to hand me his phone to show me all of the threats they've received; they were all pictures of letters, which surprised me because if they were all sent through letters, it means those people knew their address but to be honest, I shouldn't even be surprised at all. He returned to his seat, fidgeting uneasily with his boys, who were watching my reaction as I glanced at the images they had taken of the letters.

If I'm not mistaken, there are exactly 12 letters; scratch that, threats that caused me to frown and look closer at the letters, and there it is, the symbol that I am quite familiar with on the upper right side of the letters.

It was faint and barely noticeable, but because of my keen eyesight, I was able to see it. I got closer to confirm whether what I was seeing was correct, and it was absolutely that symbol. In disbelief, I sat back in my chair and looked at him, only to realize that he, too, was staring at me with a knowing look.

The rest of them stared at me uneasily, recognizing how surprised I was to see something so unusual of me, since I am known for usually wearing a neutral and serious expression, but this went well beyond that. I took a deep, silent breath and looked at each of them one by one with an unreadable expression.

What did they do for them to be this obsessed at these boys?

The threats may look like just a normal threats but no, it is beyond that. It was written as if they want them to think that it is just that.


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