Chapter Sixteen

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Lee Jia's POV

Today is the day we are going to do the deed. My father will pass his position to me tonight as the leader of our group. It's a deal we agreed upon a few years back and there's no going back.

Even if I feel nervous, I have to admit that I am also feeling excited at what was about to come. This is the real deal, being the boss of the underworld is the real deal.

He believed I was capable of running his organization, and he believes that even though our organization is currently one of the top mafia organizations in the world, he believes I can make it more widely recognized.

Even though I was aware of that, but entrusting this huge role to me was something I'm still not ready for. Though, I didn't tell him that because I knew he'd cancel the ceremony if I told him that because after all, I'm still his daughter.

Among the top three of the biggest mafia organizations worldwide, we are the top one.

The Lee's. This organization was found by my greatㅡgrandfather and was passed onto my grandfather and was passed to my father after he passed away. And now, it was being passed to me.

The important members of our organization didn't trust me to manage our group very well because.. apparently just because I'm a woman. That is something I can understand, partly, because the recent bosses are men, but that shouldn't be the reason for them to underestimate me.

And what's shocking is that they are already judging me even though they've never met me. They don't even know how I look because my father made sure that my appearance were kept in secret until today, the day I'll be their boss. My father wanted to surprise everyone with my presence because he knew how I can be.

And he is proud of me for that. He thinks that the important members of our organization won't say anything in my presence, but oh how wrong he was.


I am sitting in a limousine as I am headed to my father's mansion where the party is being held with my red long fitted dress that are sleeveless and that has a slit on the side which shows a decent enough of skin.

Somehow, my father was able to convince me to wear this. He thought I am wearing this because of his non stop convincing but I'm actually wearing this color as the color red are the color of blood. Everyone in the underworld knows that once a boss wear a color red of clothing, it is a warning that they should respect the boss no matter who she/he is. And if that wasn't followed and they are actually brave enough to go against a boss's warning, they will be killed immediately if the boss was kind enough to give them a quick death, if not, they will be tortured to death.

That is for disrespecting the rules.

On the way, my phone vibrates yet again for the nth time tonight making me sigh silently. I reached for my phone, already knowing who it was, but I still take time to read the messages because what if it was an emergency?

I opened my phone, glancing at the time which shows 8:32pm before checking the message that Jin has sent me, as expected.


"Are you seriously ignoring me right now, Jia? Fine, I won't bother you anymore. I'll be waiting for you to contact me first to talk about happened. I'll give you three days and if you still haven't contacted me by then, I'll go to your company myself, alone, without any bodyguards! Then it would be your fault if I died on my way there. Really, do you want that?"


I sighed as I frowned at the message while chuckling in disbelief. It's so typical of him. I turned off my phone before putting it back inside my purse that was placed onto my lap before looking out the window to see that we're near my father's.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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