Chapter Four

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A few minutes passed before I heard my secretary announce that my father had arrived. I hastily stood up to leave my chair, and as I approached the door, it opened, and my father entered my office, glancing around the room before fixing his gaze on me.

"Hello, dad. What brought you here so suddenly? I was in the middle of an important meeting." I greeted him while bowing slightly, then motioned for him to seat on my sofa, despite the fact that he was already making himself at home on my spacious sofa.

This building has 78 storeys, however this is the largest office room in my building. So I don't mind that those guys came along with Mr. Bang because my office, which used to be my father's, is very vast.

The CEO position was given to me at a young age, and I don't want to complain because I enjoy doing business, which requires action. In or out. It's not as if I was compelled to take this road; I chose it myself. But deep inside, I understood I didn't have many options at the time, which is why I became a CEO so early.

My father arched an eyebrow at me, "I know you know why I'm here, though." I sighed, finally stopping to pretend I didn't know why he was here, despite the fact that I obviously did.

"Alright you win. So it's finally the time huh?" I remarked chuckling, even though there is nothing amusing about the situation.

I'm losing it.

My father stared at me and started scrutinizing me. I know that should annoy me a little, but him scrutinizing me as if he was trying to figure out what I was thinking doesn't disturb me. I was used to that, and I am also like that. A highly observant person. He turned away after a few minutes, which calmed my racing heart, which felt like it was about to burst out of my body.

"You know this was an agreement between you and I a few years ago. You agreed to it and I never forced you. I gave you time to think about it but you still said yes so you can't back down now because I don't have anyone else to give that position except you. My only child. My heir." He reminds me with a firm expression as I nodded at him.

"So, when is the party?" I asked, making him smile.


My father left after two hours of detailing everything that would happen at the party he was holding for me. He is just like that; whenever there is an occasion, he ensures that the celebration is lavish and large. Very huge. However, this month's party will be significantly different from all of the previous ones. This celebration is for me. For me, who is going to become a leader for our real business.

I started cleaning up the messs surrounding my table, then took my handbag and long brown coat before leaving the office. I strolled till I reached the elevator, then waited a few minutes before entering as it opened. I came out of the elevator and was about to leave the building when I noticed a familiar man standing calmly in the lobby, glancing at his wristwatch, as if he had been waiting for someone for quite some time.

I slowed my pace to see if it was actually him, and when he looked up from his watch, his blank eyes rested on me, astonishing me slightly. I turned away from him and began making my way out of the building since I was worn out and just wanted to get home to sleep.

I was holding my handbag securely as I approached the exit when I heard my name called, prompting me to turn around and see him striding towards me with his typical scowl. He stopped approaching when he was just a few steps away from me, "It's been a while, Mafia Princess." He murmured the last bit, bowing ninety degrees, which drew the attention of the other staff, but they didn't care because they were like that to me as well. They understood I was not someone to mess with. They also understood the need of respecting me and everyone else at all costs. How can you be an honorable security guard if you don't know how to respect others?

I gazed at the man in front of me blankly before turning away to continue my attempt to leave the building to the private parking lot that only I had access to. There are three parking lots: one for me, one for clients, and another for employees. My fingerprint is the sole thing that can open my private parking lot, ensuring that no one else may meddle or intrude.

But this time, I'm going to let the man behind me into this place. As soon as I walked inside, he followed, and the door closed itself, beeping to indicate that it was locked.

I turned around to face him. "What do you want?" I questioned, arching an eyebrow at him. He averted his wandering eyes to stare at me briefly, then looked down after meeting my heated gaze to look at his feet. "Why?" He just spoke one word, but I knew what he was asking, and I don't know how to respond.

Who am I fooling? Of course I do. I clicked my tongue and said, "It's been years," implying that I don't want to continue the subject right now. He doesn't appear to want to end this conversation, though. Of course, after meeting me again after years, he refuses to pass up the opportunity to speak with me.



I think I should start writing author's notes so I could interact with my readers, if there is even one. It doesn't matter though, I love imagining things and writing stories too soooo ¯\(◉‿◉)/¯

Let's get it!! *insert JK's voice*


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