Chapter Twelve

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This is a continuation of Jin's POV. I can predict this chapter will be longer than usual as the next chapter is back to your POV.


Kim Seokjin's POV

We all went home quietly after the tense meeting caused by me. I was relieved that they were not bugging me with questions since they chose to give me space, no matter how curious they were about her. I grumbled in annoyance and scratched my forehead, disgusted with myself for reacting so harshly toward Yoongi. What exactly happened to me? How can I yell at my own brother and close member? I am staying in my room while the others eat dinner. When I informed them I didn't have an appetite, they simply let me be and told me to go rest.

We have made the decision to seek her help after learning that she is currently the CEO of a well-known company both in Korea and maybe globally. We also learned that the company she currently owns is made up of the best securities you can get anywhere. The article said that the staff members are knowledgeable and have been trained by Jia and her closest associate. This company teaches willing individuals who aspired to be the best security or guards available, capable of giving their all to safeguard their clients—even if it meant risking their lives.

I had no idea Jia could fight or was the CEO of a company. I knew her father had a company, but I had no idea she was already the CEO when we started dating. She never told me about that. She tries to avoid talking about her family, so I didn't bother her about it because she appears uncomfortable with the matter at hand. I met her father behind her back after we had been together for a year. I had no idea her father was aware of my presence, and he even knew I was her boyfriend. Jia never introduced me to her father, and I'm still not sure why.

He is both kind and intimidating; his demeanor made it clear that he was not someone to mess with. He appears to have a lot of authority, and I can smell a lot of confidence coming from him. We talked at their mansion while Jia was out shopping. Jia assumed I was in the middle of a rehearsal and did not bother calling me again, worrying she would disturb me.

But no, her presence and voice was enough to bring back energy to me, which was helpful when I was exhausted and simply wanted to be lazy, but with her encouragement and support, I succeeded. Despite being exhausted, I was able to practice and work again in a positive mindset. Jia's father and I talked while drinking tea. He informed me about some of Jia's childhood activities, beaming affectionately as he spoke and reminisced about her. But then he grew serious and said something I'll never forget.

"I am actually dissapointed that my daughter didn't introduce you to me and I had to even do a little investigation myself just to know who she was meeting with that she sneaks out every night just to meet this person." He laughed and shook his head.

"She thought I won't find out but I just let her think that I am not aware of that. So I did some investigation and someone told me that she was meeting with a man all this time and seems like she is dating that man from how close they are." He looked at me and gave a small smile.

"Jia never smiled so big and was never so cheerful like that but after she started dating you, she was so happy. She was never like that after her mother passed away so I want to thank you for bringing back my bright daughter again." He smiled sadly as he talked about his wife and Jia's mother. He became serious, which perplexed me, "Jin, no matter what, just remember that Jia loves you. I just knew it, and if she ever told you something ridiculous soon or later in the future, maybe something that could ruin your relationship, don't believe her. I am telling you, just don't." The conversation ended there, and he told me to go home to rest.

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