Chapter Fourteen

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My eyebrows rose in surprise. I looked up to see them gazing at me, trying to listen in, but it was impossible because I had lowered the volume just enough to hear the caller.

I looked at them one by one, making sure that my expression was unreadable before responding. "How sure are you? Are you certain that what you're telling me right now is correct?" I question, observing their body language.

"I am 100% sure princess. In fact, a call has been made with that accomplice an hour ago. I was with them when the phone call was made, but I didn't know them so I wasn't able to recognize the voice. But, he call them by the letter J. That's all I know."

"Good. Report back to me if anything happens." I hung up the phone as I stood up to approach the boys. They all stood up when they noticed I was approaching them. I paused walking a few steps away from them to look at them one by one.

I rubbed my temple and crossed my arms. "Someone told me that it's possible that they could be tracking you and had your phones wiretapped so give them to me now. I'll give you a new one later." I lied. They slowly removed their phones from their pockets before handing them to me. I took the phones and placed them in the tiny box that I discovered. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. I counted the phones. I looked up and counted, there are seven of them. Why is there just six phones?

"Where is the last one? There are only six phones here and you guys are seven members, aren't you?" I questioned nonchalantly. They exchanged confused glances because their group does, in fact, consist of seven individuals. Namjoon asked, staring at his members, "Who still didn't give their phone?" Taehyung slowly raised his hand and handed me his phone while staring at me blankly.

I stared back as I yanked the phone from his grasp and threw it into the box where the other phones were stored to be checked later. When he saw my intimidating glance, he gulped and looked away. "I'm doing this to protect you but that won't be possible if you are not cooperating with me." "Jia, calm down, okay? We can talk this out," Jin tried to calm me down, knowing my nasty temper. Sometimes he wishes you would just yell at them because you are scarier when you are quiet, even when you are angry.

I took a long breath and squeezed my eyes shut, mentally criticizing myself for losing my temper. I slowly opened my eyes when I calmed down. I remained silent as I took the tiny box containing the phones and held it before deciding to leave the room. "Oh, right. Where is Mr. Bang?" I ask, poker-faced. "We told him to go and rest," Yoongi says, making me nod. "But are you just going to leave like this?" He asked, perplexed.

I raised my eyebrows. "Judging from what happened earlier. If you are not going to cooperate with me, might as well just leave don't you think so? It looks like I am not needed here anyway. But, I am still taking these phones as I am not sure if these are safe for you all to use. And if this is how it is going to be, don't even think about getting help from me anymore, I don't like wasting my time," I finally said with a forced smile, leaving them with their jaws hanging open in disbelief.



"What should we do? She's the only one who can help us. We should apologize to her," Jimin says, biting his lip and looking concerned. Taehyung rolled his eyes, "Don't say that as if she is the only one who can help us. There are a lot of other people out there who will be willing to help us, not just her." He muttered, clenching his jaw.

Yoongi scowled as he left his position and stood in front of Taehyung. "What's wrong with you? I told you that she is the only one who can help us because she knows who we are against but then because of you, she left us like this. Do you even know how hard it is to even get help from someone like her?" Yoongi clenched his teeth with clenched hands.

Taehyung was silent as he looked down at Yoongi. The others are concerned about both of them because this is not the time for them to fight while their lives are at stake.

"Guys, don't be like this. We should be thinking of ways to apologize to her right now! Yoongi and Taehyung, you better stop or else I'm leaving you all to deal with this disgusting man!" Jin scolded them, pointing a finger at their so-called manager, who was completely passed out with his head hanging low uncomfortably, completely oblivious to the chaos around him. But it appears that his scolding did not reach both of them, as if they were disregarding his presence.

"What's so special about her, anyway? Don't tell like her?" Taehyung asked, chuckling in disbelief. His question stunned everyone, especially Jin. And now he doesn't want to interrupt Taehyung since he, too, is curious about Yoongi's response.

Yoongi smirked at him, "Whether I like her or not is none of your fucking business. And to answer your question, she is very special to me. I've known her for a while and just got separated from her when things happened." He simply said, giving one last glance at Taehyung before leaving the room, slamming the door shut loudly.

"What's up with you, Tae? Is there something wrong?" Jimin sighs as he questions him, concerned that something is bothering him and leading him to act this way. But even if there is, he shouldn't have acted like that because Ms. Lee was only trying to help.

"Nothing. There is absolutely nothing wrong," he stated clearly, causing the others to sigh quietly.

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