Chapter Thirteen

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After a little while, the sunlight started to bother my eyes, and I felt myself slowly starting to wake up.

Hold on.


My dark curtains and windows are typically drawn shut before I go to sleep, therefore it's not possible. I felt like something was clinging on to me, making it difficult for me to sit properly, but I managed to sit up right away.

As I slowly glance down, I find someone's arms encircling my waist, causing me to yell and shove them out of my way. When that individual slid off the bed, I sighed with delight, but I soon heard that person groan. Person, hold on. I noticed as I looked down at my body that I had nothing on. How in the world? I screamed in horror again, startling him, as I turned to stare at the other person's familiar, bare body.

He grumbled, gripping his butt in pain, perhaps because I had pushed him off the bed. "The hell, Jia? What the hell are you doing screaming in the morning?" he exclaimed. I was having flashbacks to what had happened, so I swore quietly. I rushed to gather up my clothes and put it on. I swore loudly when I glanced at my wristwatch and realized it was 7 a.m. Confused, he asked, "Wait, where are you going?" Like me, he got up to get dressed as well.

I sighed. "Where else? To work. I can't believe you dragged me from there and I also can't believe what might have happened with us gone, leaving the other members and your own CEO alone with that so-called manager of yours." I yelled at him. His eyes widened significantly as he gently approached me after changing into his clothing. "I'm sure they figured it out. It's been hours now since we left them." "Yeah, I'm sure they figured it out," I remarked sarcastically as I buttoned up my shirt.

He breathes deeply, "Don't you think we should talk first before you leave? About what happened?" "Jin, about that. Let's just-" I sighed as I noticed him looking down, as if he knew what I was about to say. I looked around the room, feeling frustrated. "Fine. We'll talk about this." He grinned slowly, but I stopped him off as he opened his lips to respond. "But, later. We need to check what happened. Who knows what's going on in there right now?" I reprimanded him, making him scowl and nod hopelessly.


We walked side by side in silence. We soon found ourselves standing in front of the conference room, where we had left the others, preparing for what we would see inside. I reached for the dool handle and twisted it slowly to open the door. I made my way inside, followed by Jin. My jaw hung open as I took in the surroundings. I can hear Jin gasping beside me, which is understandable given the disastrous scene we're witnessing right now.

Their manager, who was tied up in a chair a few hours ago, is now covered in bruises, and I can see some dried blood, indicating that he was beaten up some time ago. I continued my way inside as Jin closed and locked the door, then followed me as he covered his mouth in surprise. He certainly did not expect to see this. I wasn't, either. The others are right in front of the unfortunate man, smirking viciously, which makes me swallow slightly. What in the hell happened?

"What the hell happened?" Jin yelled in disbelief as he walked in front of their manager to check his bruises. The poor manager can't even open his mouth since it must be so painful. His face was damaged, literally. He must have said something that made the members angry. But, where is Mr. Bang?

"We've been waiting for both of you; have you had some fun?" Yoongi mocked, making me roll my eyes. "Stop talking nonsense, and tell me what happened," I remarked casually, a threat in my tone.

Yoongi's lips trembled slightly, "W-well, he deserved it. He was so noisy and kept telling us that his boss will come for him to save him. He was literally being delusional so-" I interrupted him, "So? You beat him? Not that I care." I shrugged and looked around the room.

"Well, I only punched him once, but the others took care of the rest." He defended himself as he stared at the other members. His glares lingered on the maknae line, making them to look aside and purse their lips, as if this would help them appear innocent. I looked down at their hands and noticed that they were also bruised, verifying Yoongi's statement.

"It's literally 7 a.m. right now; did you guys even sleep?" I said, noticing them yawning. "Well, we can't just leave this disgusting man here; who knows he'll try to escape, so we stayed up all night," Yoongi said, yawning again.

"Yeah, and because he might try to flee, you beat him up," I cynically said. Oh well, that was unexpected. I didn't realize these men could be violent. Of course, Yoongi is the exception. It was expected. I groaned and sat down in the chair in front of the others, prompting them to cautiously step back while avoiding my look.

They slowly rose from their chairs to stand in front of me, their heads drooping low, causing me bite my cheek to suppress my laughter at how adorable they appear right now. Adorable? No. You've totally lost it.

As Jin and Yoongi stood on either side of me, I knew they found the scene humorous. I ignored them and looked at my phone with anticipation. I've been waiting for a call, and I should receive one shortly. I smirked slightly when my phone started buzzing, indicating that someone was calling. I reached for my phone and checked the screen to see who was calling, which displayed "J" as the caller's name before answering it.

"Speak." I demanded as I heard some noise in the background. I realized Jin and Yoongi are no longer alongside me, but rather in front of me, as well as the others, they are all now sitting and staring at me. I didn't give them any attention because this is an important call.

"Princess, I discovered that their manager is not the only spy in their company." I was not shocked because this was predicted. Obviously, this individual cannot do all of the work himself. "What's interesting is that one of those boys appears to be an accomplice," he remarked, chuckling in astonishment

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