Chapter Nine

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Warning: Mature content ahead. Don't read it if you are below 18.

Skip to the next chapter if you don't feel comfortable with this content, it won't affect the plot. ; )


I'm not sure how it happened, but we ended up kissing each other again, this time more harsh and demanding than before. Our hands around our bodies, almost frantic to feel each other after so long. I felt myself being lifted by his strong arms while being trapped to the wall as I wrapped my legs around him, allowing me to feel his rising erection. It was enticing, so I slowly moved my hips, causing him to grip my waist tightly and groan into my mouth.

He slowly started moving his hips upward to meet my moves, causing me to moan and clench into nothing from the pleasure he was giving.

When he was frustrated that he couldn't feel me the way he wanted because of the barrier that was keeping us from feeling each other, he slowly began to move backwards towards the bed he had seen previously. I clung to him as we continued to kiss each other, as if we had been looking forward to this for a long time. Perhaps we are.

I feel myself being gently thrown onto the soft mattress as he lies on top of me, keeping himself up to keep his body from crushing mine. When we felt a need for oxygen, he slowly moved away from the kiss.

I closed my eyes to focus on my breathing, but I could feel his gaze on me. I opened my eyes as I felt him gently touching my cheek. "Do you want this, baby?" He questioned in a low tone, as if to let me know that I could say no if I didn't want it. But no, I want it. I wanted to be selfish for once, and that was to want him.

But I felt worried about him; wouldn't he hurt himself more if we continued? What was this even for?

I nodded slowly, "But do you?" I asked him again, just to be sure. "Yes. I want to. I've been longing for you for years, and now that I finally have you with me, I won't let you go. It may seem wrong because you hurt me, but it doesn't matter; all I want to do right now is love you again." He sincerely said, gazing at me with half-lidded eyes filled with affection and lust. I find myself slowly breaking down into tears because of how open he is about his emotions. And from discovering that he still loves me.

"H-how could you say that when I literally cheated on you? Why would you love someone like me?" I asked quietly, staring him in the eyes. He froze for a few seconds before softly smiling at me, a sad smile. "Blame my heart for that. I don't know, but no matter what you did, It still beats for you. I still love you, Jia. I know that at least. I never stopped loving you." He tenderly whispered, wiping my wet cheeks and kissing my forehead. I inhaled shakily, raising one of my hands to caress his cheek, which was also soaked from his own tears.

"I never stopped loving you, Jin." That's all it takes for him to reclaim my lips, this time even more urgent. Desperate to feel and love me again. I placed my hands around his neck and kissed him back, and as I slowly wrapped my legs around his waist, I felt him slowly unbutton my polo shirt and grind his hips against my clothed entrance, causing me to whimper.

After he finished unbuttoning my shirt, I released my grip on his neck and began unbuttoning his as well. I can feel his hands roaming across my chest, causing me to unbutton his shirt quicker, eager to feel his bare body against mine again.

He drew away from the kiss and carefully sat up, removing his shirt off his body while I did the same. I carefully removed my bra while he stared with keen eyes. We just stared at each other's naked upper bodies, with his mighty figure revealing itself to me. I carefully make my approach to his sitting figure, where I sit on his lap with my hands around his neck. He placed his arms around my waist, breathing fast, his face directly in front of my exposed chest.

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