Chapter Seven

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"What? What is the meaning of that tattoo anyway? I just don't understand why that man has that symbol tattooed on his body, and even on the letters, that symbol was there." Jungkook muttered in confusion, his brow furrowing in an attempt to understand but failing. "Don't you get it? That symbol is there because they wanted to be known. They had the symbol tattooed on their bodies because it's like a tradition, they will have to get that tattoo as a recognition that they are a member of their organization." I remarked as I examined the tattoo of the male.

The tattoo shows a little snake. Simple, yet it means a lot to them. They define a snake as someone who stabs you behind your back with no remorse. They are a bunch that will do whatever it takes to win, fair or unfair. They simply have to win; that is the goal. And their boss adores snakes, that may possibly mean death. To the point where he would have his members wear the symbol on their body.

A symbol of who they are.


They remained silent as I pondered how to persuade the man in front of me to spill some information that could potentially help us in some way, but I knew it wasn't possible because their leader isn't stupid. "Do you know who I am?" I questioned the man, simply asking the question. I want to know whether he knows who I truly am.

The man shrugged, laughing, "You are Lee Jia, the CEO of whatever company you own, it's not like I fucking care." He spit, rolling his eyes. The others didn't even bother to cover their surprised gasps, as they couldn't believe the man's disrespectful attitude.

I allowed my gaze to wander across his body as I faked a smile to mock him, "Hm. I don't know but one thing I know is that your organization sucks. You might think you guys are some cool people out there because no one was able to catch you, yet. But in reality, your leader is not really that smart. He acts recklessly once his buttons are triggered, he only thinks about himself. You should've known that by now."

The man gasped, "H-how do you know-" He was unable to continue his question because I paused him off. "How? Think. How the hell do you think I know your leader's name, gender, etc. when his personal information was too confidential and impossible to obtain anywhere?" I said, stunning everyone and purposefully making him believe that I am not someone he-they should fool with. The man remained silent and stared into nothing, as if he already knew the answer.

I chuckled darkly, lowering my body slightly to face the man and peering into his eyes. "I can make the impossible possible, because I am Lee Jia," I said slowly as I looked into his eyes. I leaned back and began walking around him, observing him. The others stepped back to give me room to do what I needed to do.

"Your tattoo, do you know what that means?" I asked the man, pausing in front of him again. I wanted to know since it's possible that he doesn't understand what their tattoo implies. You see, I discovered that there are three levels in their organization.

Level one. People who are regarded as very significant and have many contacts within the organisation. People in whom the organization trusted.

Level two. People in the middle. People who can aid the organization but are not yet trusted.

Level three. A group of spies and assassins. People who are not significant to the organization and, if caught while on a mission, are immediately eliminated out of the group. And obviously, this dude is on the third level. He is now completely useless to the organization, and it appears that he is unaware of this.

After I posed the question, the man glanced at me suspiciously, but he saw no risk and didn't hesitate to respond. "Our boss said that the meaning of our tattoo is that snakes may be dangerous, but in hard times they'll help each other in the end just like how he'll help us whenever we are in trouble." He remarked with certainty and was smirking at me. "Pfft-" I snorted, unable to contain my laughter since it was too amusing. Does he honestly believe their boss will save them? Poor guy.

The man looked at me open-mouthed because why did I even laugh when there's nothing humorous about what he said? Seeing the man's reaction makes me laugh even more so I didn't bother to restrain my laughter any longer, so that's what I did. I laughed in his face. "What the fuck was funny about that? Trust me, you won't be able to even laugh when my boss arrives and saves me." He snarled, gritting his teeth and exclaiming furiously.

I stopped laughing when I realized they were all staring at me like I was insane, but the others didn't say anything because they were too terrified. "You are so dumb," I said flatly, my look inscrutable. "How long have you been with them?" I demanded, lifting an eyebrow.

Again, he believed it was unimportant, so he responded immediately. "Almost four years. I was already 6 months in the group when I was asked to work for them-" He replied monotonously, staring at the seven boys who froze. "-so that was 3 years ago. I didn't even know i'll be doing this manager thingy with them for so long."

I hummed, but there seemed to be something missing: "When did you start doing that manager thing?" He stared at me as if it was a foolish question since how could he remember the date? But then he remembered because he knew he had celebrated the night he got hired. "Oh, September 12. I remembered because I celebrated that night, and it was with my ex-lover. It was our first year anniversary, so I know." He said, his eyes flashing with unknown emotion for a few seconds, but I did not pay attention.

That date was the day I abandoned him just so he could achieve his dreams.


Things are about to get spicyyyy~

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